7. Silent Decisions.

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DAHLIA and Trixie were stood beside Dahlia's car. The pair observing the sea of people that were moving about in small groups, eager to get into the bright yellow buses that would take them to the greenhouses. 

Across the parking lot stood the Cullens. 

Trixie smiled widely as she observed Alice bouncing wildly like someone had just given her so many sweets that she was on a sugar rush, and Theo who was desperately trying to get her to calm down by applying pressure to her shoulders as a way to keep her from bouncing. Next to the amusing sight stood Jasper, he was already looking at her before Trixie even started looking for him. 

Tilting her head to the left, Trixie sent a kind smile in the boys direction before turning back to Dahlia and continuing the conversation that they had started that morning before school.

It wasn't until the voice of Mr. Molina interrupted their conversation had the two girls noticed that is was time to go, "yo, yo, yo, come on guys, we gotta go. Green is what? Good, lets go."

As the pair moved towards their bus, Dahlia nudged Trixie in the side before discretely turning her friends attention to a certain faded-red pick-up truck and its owner. The two friends were close enough to be able to grasp that Mike Newton was attempting to ask Bella Swan to prom, only to be turned down with the excuse that she was  going to be in Jacksonville that weekend. 

Sympathy turned into amusement as she watched the blonde boy shuffle over to Jessica Stanley awkwardly. 

Leaning her head against the glass, Trixie sighed as she watched the trees pass by. It wasn't long before the field trip students had reached their destination of the Greenhouses. 


I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor

Music filled Trixie ears as she moved through the greenhouses, eyes catching every detail of the colourful flora as her body followed the steady stream of moving bodies. 

Stepping out of the line, Trixie awed at the small bushes of colourful roses that sat before her. Roses had always been her favourite flower, as a child her mother always had a vase of fresh roses on the dinner table. Their subtle scent comforted the Rivers girl. Roses reminded her of her mother.

A slim but built arm entered her view, but Trixie's gaze didn't waver, she wanted to stay in her bubble of nostalgia for a little longer and ultimately ignore whoever was beside her.

Slender fingers plucked one of the smaller roses off of the bush. Hazel eyes widened in slight hurt but intrigue - she hadn't seen this type of rose since her mother died. The bright yellow body of the rose bled into a deep red. The tips of the petals opening slightly. Trixie had always loved how the two colours contrasted and complimented each other perfectly, and the blend from yellow to red was flawless. 

Hazel met gold as the rose was outstretched towards the brunette;  with a small smile Trixie reached up a hand and accepted Jasper's gift. 

'Thank You.'  She mouthed.

"You're welcome, Darlin'" Jasper voiced, his accent prominent. A smile growing on his face as he felt her positive emotions peak through the muted cloud that shrouded her and a flush painted her face, making her naturally rosy cheeks deepen in colour. Offering her an arm, Jasper jerked his head forward, "shall we?"

Trixie nodded, her fingers clasping the rose stem tightly whilst trying to avoid the sharp thorns that served as a protectant. Linking arms with the Southern boy, the pair moved forward and re-joined the stream of students.


"Hi!" A voice chirped.

Trixie looked up from the beige pages of literature to greet the pixie with a bright and honest smile.

"What are you reading?" Alice asked, gracefully sitting down next to Trixie on the damp benches that sat outside the greenhouses. Of course the seer had seen this all play out earlier in the day in one of her visions, so she knew how this ended, but she liked how it ended so she wanted everything to go the way she saw it.

As expected, the human placed her bookmark in the book before closing the cover and handing the book over to Alice. The cover of Alice in Wonderland greeted Alice like a old friend; she'd remembered reading it at some point in her immortal life as well as her human one. Even though the tiny vampire remembered practically nothing of her human life, the one memory she did have was reading this exact story with her mother at some point in her life. It was a memory she cherished. 

"I loved this story as a child! My favourite character was the Mad Hatter." Alice informed, flicking through the pages of the paperback. Lightly tracing the illustration of one Mad Hatter with her pointer finger, a fond yet sad smile pulled on her lips, before it was gone again and her happy disposition returned.

"Is that from Jasper?" Alice handed the book back and gestured to the rose that sat behind Trixie's ear. Feeling shy, Trixie lowered her head, not before nodding her head just enough to confirm the Cullen sisters' question, even if the tiny vampire already knew the answer. 

Maybe, not being cautious this once wouldn't be such a bad idea.. Right?


That night Trixie stayed up, her mind too busy to sleep.  

The sound of the occasional page turning and the soft melody emitting from the teenagers phone was all that broke the eerie blanket of silence that had settled over the house. 

Younger now, than we were before,
Don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go...

Soft humming filled the room as the song played, hazel eyes scanning the printed words of the novel before her, the book cover and spine in near pristine condition. 

Every since she became mute, Trixie's love for music grew even more. Despite her forced silence, Trixie was still able to make some sounds, humming, although slightly distorted, was one of them.

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