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"I'll be back." The physical therapist says before, running out of the room.

"He's fired, find me a new one." Tom says.

"This is the fifth physical therapist, you've fired the last three and held one of them at gunpoint. You're keeping this one." I reply.

"They're all stupid imbeciles! It's been a week and I still can't walk, they can't do shit Gia!" Tom yells.

"No, you're the stupid imbecile because you don't listen!" I shout back. "Fuck off." He yanks my arm off of him.

"Fuck you too, Tom I'm just trying to be useful and help you." I grab my bag, before going to walk out of the PT office.

"Gia wait." He sighs.

"Nope." I reply slamming the door shut.

Ah, shit he had the car keys and I didn't have my wallet for a cab. I take a deep breath.

Opening the door, I walk in without saying anything. "Oh, you're back now?" Tom smirks. "This means nothing." I say sitting down in the chair, crossing my legs.

"Okay, I'm back with the stretcher." The PT guy walks back in going to Tom.

"I'm not doing that." Tom points to it. "Don't be difficult, just do it." I say. "You don't control me Gia." He scoffs.

"Fine then, stay a crippled bitch. I don't care." I remark. "Oh I'm the bitch, okay." He rolls his eyes.

"Fuck did I do?!" I yell.

"You're bossy!" Tom yells back. "You know, maybe I'll come back when things aren't so... tense." The PT guy says. "Nope, you're fired get me someone else." Tom responds.

"He didn't even do anything, he just doesn't want to listen to you being the whiny bitch you are." He was being super childish.

"I just wanna walk, without limping!" Tom growls, well not literally.

"Have you ever heard of something called a process? Or are you lacking some brain cells?" I nod at him pettily.

"The whole reason I got shot was because of you! It's all your fault!" He shouts.

I turn my face, sucking in my bottom lip.

"You know he touched me right? Just as you did that night at the party." I laugh.

"Against your will?" Tom asks, looking me up and down. I don't respond looking out the window.

"And you didn't tell me?" Tom's voice turns soft.

"Didn't want you to know, but now that I know you getting shot was apparently all my fault then..." I shrug.

"I'm so sorry Gia, I didn't know." Tom apologizes, the look in his eyes showed he was being sincere.

Somewhere along the way of our argument the PT guy just disappeared.

"It's fine." I reply, simply.

Tom gets his crutch, limping to me a little. He sits in the chair next to me, not saying anything.

I put my hands on my knees, sniffling. "It was so scary, Tom." My voice starts to break. He pulls me into a hug, hugging me tightly, as he kisses my forehead.

Tom rests his head on my chin, not saying anything. "It feels like i'm crying everyday now." I sniffle, wiping away my tears. "You deserve to." He replies. 

"Why can't we just be happy Tom, without everything. I mean I got fucking kidnapped, that's not normal." I lift my head up, trying to not let more tears fall.


"Shut up." I laugh, putting my fingers on his lips shushing him.

Tom pulls me back into a tight hug, I felt my back literally cracking. "What's this for." I grunt, rubbing his back. "I don't know, just hug back." Tom says.

"Can you hold me, when we get home?" I ask, against our hug. "I always hold you." He kisses my neck gently. "Yes, I know but only when we go to sleep. I wanna be held during daylight." I explain.

"Okay, sure." He nods, I felt his chin hit the top of my head. "Ow." I frown, rubbing my head.

"Sorry lil mama." He pats my hair down.

"It's okay." I shake my head, smiling.

"I think the PT guy quit on us, so let's just go home." He gets his crutch, standing up, Tom puts his hand out for me to take. I interlock mines with his, walking out.


"I'll put on a movie hang on." I throw him a blanket, grabbing the popcorn from the microwave. "Wait, I bought you something." Tom yells, from the couch.

"What did you buy?" I turn my body towards his.

"It's in Aliyah's room, hiding from you." Tom says, I walk over to Aliyah's door, knocking on it. "Come in." She yells out. I open the door, seeing a huge bean bag.

"Oh my god!" I squeal, dragging it to the living room.

"Do you like it?" He smirks, looking through some movies.

"I want you to hold me, while we lay in this and I want you to rub stretch mark oil on my belly and it's not up for discussion." I say sternly.

"Okay" He replies. I go to our bedroom, grabbing the oil before changing into a bralette.

"Look at my stomach." I turn to the side, it was like I blew up over night. "Oh my god?" He says, flabbergasted. I walk over to the coffee table, pushing it so I could place the beanbag in the middle of the room.

I drag it over, grunting. "Sit." I demand, pointing to the beanbag. "Yes ma'am." He takes his crutch, going to the bean bag.

I grab the oil and a blanket, laying in the beanbag next to Tom, sinking into it. I hand Tom the oil, he takes some, lathering his hands in it before rubbing it gently on me. "Hmm." I hum, resting my head on him.

"No movie?" Tom asks.

"Let's just lay here, but don't get oil on this bean bag or I will literally kill you." I threaten. "Okay, I won't." He gulps, putting it down on the table.

"Actually just hold me, i'm over the oil shit." I lean over the beanbag, grabbing some tissues from the tissue box I wipe it off his hands.

"Kay, all ready now." I put my arms up, Tom takes my laps, setting them on his lap. I snuggle into his chest. Feeling his warmth. "Take your shirt off." I say.

"Oh?" He raises his brows. "Not like that silly, I just don't like the way the fabric of your shirt feels so take it off." I tug on his shirt, Tom takes it off, becoming bare.

I lay back on him, tracing his abs. "Much better." I kiss his chest. "I think you just wanted to rub on me." Tom says, cheekily.

"Sure, that too." I give him a kiss on the cheek.

Tom slips his hand underneath my bralette, holding my boob. "Why, just why?" I question. "Makes me feel safe." He honks my boob.

"Okay, I guess.." I shrug.

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