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Energy surges though my veins as I enter the Enraged state. I try to control my breathing, pounding a fist into the soil as I struggle. I don't want to waste time being enraged, or make Dee worry.

She strokes my panting chest. And although I appreciate her concern, she's only making it harder to focus. Only giving my cocks a reason to stay hard.

"I love you," I grit out, still struggling to control my raging body.

I look crazy as I tremble. Unhinged. And yet I've never been of sounder mind as I say these words. I love Dee.

She mumbles the same words under her breath, shyly. But it's enough for me. She has blessed me with a second chance and I won't repeat my same mistakes. I won't let her go.

It takes a while to calm the tremors in my body, but Dee stays beside me the entire time. It's very late now, and although the night was magical, I need to get Dee home. To shelter.

We pull our clothes on, wary of the spot on the grass that's still wet with my seed. A'ria giggles as she playfully pushes me toward the mess, but luckily she's too weak to handle my bulk.

"Don't tease me. Or else I'll spill my seed down your throat next time to spare the grass the trouble."

She laughs and runs off toward the house, and I follow her. This day was wonderful—perhaps undeserved. But it has shifted my focus. The crown is not what I mostly want in life. Neither is my army of masters. It's her. Dee.

We reach the house and check in on Ranrok. He is stuck on the couch, which he has dragged closer to the 'television. He is addicted to the thing, clicking through all the channels to absorb every perspective and view of Earth. From animals and forests to children's cartoons to cooking to dancing humans. He loves it all. I am glad to see it, because although Dee is disheartened about it, Ranrok has decided to stay on this world. It's for the best.

Dee and I freshen up, and then we lay in bed. I fall into a deep sleep—which surprises me. But it's normal because my body has been strained by my lack of sleep and my empty balls.

In the morning, we follow our usual routine. It's boring, but I endure and spend the day sharpening Cherry's knives. The days unroll fast after that. There's a yearning inside me to return to the wild. To the lush wilderness and fresh air. Zolan is so close. I know we'll make it. Dee is too brilliant to fail us.

It's the afternoon when a knock comes from the door. We all freeze, because an unexpected guest stands on Cherry's doorstep. I pickup the nearest weapon—a broom, and I stalk toward the kitchen, ducking my head to avoid hitting an archway that has gotten me too many times.

Dee and Cherry are sitting on the floor, shocked and anxious. The drapes are pulled over the window, so the person outside can't see us. I stand by the wall, peeking my head out and glaring at the door. I'm prepared to stab anyone with the damn wooden stick in my fists. Anything to protect Dee.

There's another knock. "Inspector from the Energy department," they call out. But after another minute of silence, they leave.

Dee and Cherry share a panicked look. They've realized that they ran out of time. We need to get off this planet. Now.

Once the coast is clear, the women anxiously pick up the pace. They talk about numbers and forces that I don't understand, while I glare out of the windows. There is no movement outside except for the trees, but I'm sure the stranger will return.

This feeling of being watched makes me wonder how the fort is faring without me. Have the masters disbanded, or have they found a new leader? I hope for their sake that they're still standing. It nearly killed us to get to where we are now. To liberate the dozens of masters that are now in our ranks. They must persevere. Once I return, I will rejoin with Dee by my side.

That is, if she agrees. If she asks me to stop chasing the crown, I will do so in a heartbeat.


The day has come. The women have made their final calculations and prepared a bag with materials for the trip to Zolan. They discuss having Dee's assets transferred to Cherry's accounts, and the two look sad. I hate that they're separating, but Cherry belongs on Earth.

Ranrok was nowhere to be found. He is usually sitting in front of the magic box, watching miniature humans flicker across the screen. But this morning he was gone. Like he sensed that today was the day and didn't want to say goodbye to us.

He left a note for us:

I will survive. I will live in the mountains and find something— or someone, new to love in this magnificent world.

I wish you a safe return to our Zolan. Although Zolan only gave me hell in my life, and the only bit of heaven I found was with Dee, I will miss it and hope you change it for the better.

You will win the war. I know it.


I respect him for this, although he has broken Dee's heart. I know she has no romantic feelings for him, and he was never a cruel man—infuriating, yes, but not evil. Our feud has ended, and I wish him well wherever he goes.

Cherry assures us that she will keep an eye out for him, and help him if he ever returns. Something tells me he will visit her, eventually. He is addicted to her damn "television."

Dee can't look me in the eyes today, and I know it's because they're teary. I let her be. I let her mourn. But I know that she will feel better once we're back on Zolan, and Vaine welcomes her with open arms.

We stand in the kitchen that's lined with colored wires and machines I don't understand. Our hands are entwined, and we stand side by side. In my free hand, I hold the largest knife in the kitchen, because we don't know where we will be teleported to next. And I must be prepared to fight.

Cherry is preparing the final touches. And then she sighs. "I think it's ready."

Part 36 is free on Inkitt. Coming soon to Wattpad. Want to skip wait times? This story is complete on www.patreon.com/ancientt. Also, Ranrok's short story is complete on Patreon

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