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I'm sure Tom and Gia wouldn't mind if Jayden were to come over, they're cool.

In most ways at least.

They were at another physical therapy appointment where i'm sure Tom did nothing. But he always buys her stuff to make up for his attitude, so whatever.

I heard a couple knocks on the door, I skip my way out my room excitedly. "Hi." I smile, opening the door. 

"Hey, how's it going." Jayden pulls me into a hug and then a kiss, I drag him by his arm to my room. He analyzes everything piece by piece.

"Tom and Gia let me decorate it however I wanted so this is how it turned out." I explain, looking around my room. "Is it nice living with them?" Jayden asks.

"Mm, for the most part." I nod slowly, humming.

"What do you mean?" He laughs a bit. "They're sex fiends." I reply, simply.

"So?" Jayden takes his shoes off, plopping on my bed. I climb on top of his lap sighing. "I don't mind it all that much for the most part, sometimes it can be a little much though." I say.

"You know... we can be our own sex fiends." Jayden suggests. "We can!" I squeal, he laughs flipping me over on the bed.



"We got a fair amount of stuff." I say, unlocking the door. "We got more then enough." Tom limps close behind me, coming inside. "Yeah." I nod.

"Aliyah, I got you food!" I yell, throwing the keys on the kitchen counter.

No response...

"Tom go check on Aliyah for me, I need her to eat." I point to the bags of chic-fil-a "Okay, I got it." Tom walks over to her door, before taking a step back.

"What's wrong?" I look to him confused.

He puts his index finger through a ring he had made with his other hand clearing his throat.

"ALIYAH YOU BETTER NOT BE HAVING SEX IN MY HOUSE." Tom yells, pounding on the door.

"Tom calm down." I whisper. "No!" He yells back. "Ten seconds to get decent, or i'm barging in." Tom says, counting down from ten.


"ONE!" He yells before barging in, I sigh walking over to the room. "If it isn't dorito boy." Tom taps his foot up and down in anger. "Leave." Aliyah goes up to the door, closing it in Tom's face.

"Tom, just leave her alone." I pull his hand, he waves me off opening the door back up, he limps inside. "When did I say you could bring guys over?" Tom says.

"Since when did you control me? I'm 18!" She shouts. "I can go... if it's an issue." Jayden points his thumb towards the direction of the door.

"No stay." "It's fine." "He can go." All of our responses were.

"Tom." I nudge his shoulder.

"I don't want her having sex in my house, end of story!" Tom starts to gesture with his hands. "You have sex all the time!" Aliyah shouts.

"He can stay, but door stays open." Tom pushes the door out, before limping away.

"Here you go." I smile handing her, the chic-fil-a. "Thank you Genie." Aliyah smiles back, giving me a hug. I hug her back before walking back to the kitchen.

"I'm not okay, with him sticking it in." Tom points to the bedroom. "Tom, you're not her dad." I furrow my brows, putting some cereal in the cabinet.

"No, but she's like, she means- Never mind." He sighs putting his head down. "You care about her, that's what this is." I say.

"I'd treat her as if she was my own little sister, I can't have her having sex in my house." Tom rubs his hands down his face. "Maybe we need some ground rules."

Tom points his finger at me nodding. "Yeah okay, we'll set up ground rules when he leaves." He agrees.


"Okay, he's gone! Now tell me why you freaked the shit out like that!" Aliyah says annoyed. "Sit." Tom demands pointing to the couch, Aliyah rolls her eyes going to sit down.

I sit on the couch next to her with Tom. "Okay, so we're gonna set some ground rules for the house." I explain. "Okay, like what." Aliyah sighs.

"Rule #1, if you want him over the door stays open and you have to ask." Tom puts his index finger, she huffs waiting for him to continue.

"Well, I guess that's it cause I haven't planned ahead of this conversation. But i'll come up with more rules later!" Tom says. "Okay, great can I go now?" She gets up, starting to walk away.

Before she started walking back, with a big smile on her face. "What's wrong with you now?" Tom laughs.

"You care." Aliyah replies, licking her teeth.

"What do you mean?" He manspreads a bit. "What I mean is that you Tom, care about me Aliyah. Cause if you didn't care you wouldn't give two shits."

He did care about her, a lot. I know he did.

"I just don't want bodily fluids being exchanged in your bedroom, that's it." Tom defends. "No, no. Admit it." Aliyah walks up to him, putting her finger in his face. 

"Do I need to say it?" Tom looks away. "Yes you need to say it." Aliyah nods.

"I think of you as my little sister, and I care about your well being. There happy?" He says, still not making eye contact. "Aw Gia! Tom has a place in his heart for someone that isn't you or Bill." She pouts happily.


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