Chapter: 1

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My head was pounding. It felt like thousands of bees were stinging my brain, even the slightest bit of movement made a wave of pain course throughout my body.

But I needed to move, I had to find Grey. My eyes slowly open causing my head to hurt from the lights harshly shining rays. I try to move my head ignoring how dizzy it made me.

I notice a body next to me,as my eyes start to focus I realized that it was Grey, dried blood on his forehead. "Shit shit shit!"  I shake him softly trying to wake up, tears forming in my eyes hoping my best friend didn't die. "Grey wake up please, please I'm begging" my voice was hoarse but I continued to beg.

He slowly opened his eyes and a wave of relief came over me, tears on my cheeks that I didn't even know fell from my eyes made their way onto the concrete.

"What happened, fuck my head" he groaned and tried to sit up, only to be stopped by the broken building that covered our bodies.

"I can't remember, everything in my heads a blur and o-one second I'm talking to you and the next we're stuck under rubble" I started freaking out and my breathing quickened, we couldn't move and I didn't know if we were gonna die like this.

"Calm down, we're gonna be safe I promise" he looked at me with reassuring eyes. grey always had a way with his words that calmed me down, he knew how to make me feel comfortable even in the worse situations like now.

While trying to figure out a way to get out of from under the rubble, we noticed two men far off in the distance looking around the area, and without thinking I started screaming for help.

"Help us, please! We're over here!" I yelled as loud as I could. I didn't notice the black dots forming in my eyes, connecting together until everything was dark, the last thing I saw, were the two men rushing over to us.

It was dark, and scary. I don't know where I am, it feels like I'm floating, why can't I open my eyes, it was warm, really warm, I feel cozy. I felt safe. Suddenly, it felt like I was falling, I still couldn't open my eyes. I'm scared, where's Grey?

I was gasping for air, sweat making my hair stick to my forehead. Where am i, wheres grey. Looking around i noticed that i was in a Small Room, with burgundy walls and wooden floors. I was in a bed and honestly I didn't think I could leave it, and then I noticed grey next to me still sleeping.

I didn't wanna wake him up because he looked so peaceful. But that thought quickly vanished from my head when I realized where the actual fuck are we right now. just that single thought had me freaking out, I shook grey awake again, his hazel eyes slowly opening and looking up at me.

"What's wrong Ethan?" He asked me as he slowly sat up yawing and stretching out his arms. "What do you mean what's wrong? Where are we Grey?" I wanted to calm down before I got another headache but my nerves refused to comply. "Those two guys that we saw came over and they helped us it was funny seeing them struggle to lift the rubble" he chuckled, I'm sorry for making you worry" his brown curls falling in front of his eyes as he looked at me.

"It's not your fault, i shouldn't have freaked out like that" I frown, as Grey was about to speak again, we heard the door click open, I noticed Grey's mood switching instantly as he started glaring at the door, one of the men stepped inside. "Hey, you guys are awake, how are you feeling? Anything still hurting?" He asked as he walked over to us with two cups of what smelled like tea.

He had long black hair, it reminded me of the night sky, it went all the way down to his shoulders, his eyes were amber and looked as though they could burn anything with just a glance, he was tall, really tall, or maybe I'm just short...

"Good?" I said unsure, not really comfortable with this new stranger just yet "I brought you guys some tea, and if you want I could bring some water as well" he smiled, handing us the cups of tea, I noticed he had dimples when he smiled, "Nat is gonna change both your bandages once your finished" he stands back up and leaves the room.

"I don't trust them" I heard grey mumble as he sipped his tea, "but they helped us didn't they? You should give them a chance" I didn't understand why he didn't trust them if they just saved us from dying under concrete. "But we still don't know their intentions, and what if they try to hurt you?"

Grey had a habit of caring about me more then himself, he always prioritized my safety over his own, even when I told him I was fine he'd still watch and make sure I truly was.

"I'm sure we'll be fine, why would they give us tea and treat our wounds they were gonna end up hurting us even more?" I took another sip out of my tea, Grey mumbled something to himself that I couldn't hear.

And so we sat there, just enjoying each others presence as we sipped on the warm tea...

[first chapter!!!! I Hope it wasn't to bad 😭]

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