Chapter 3~ the first day back

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I went back to my dorm only thinking of Mattheo which sounds so dumb but it was true I couldn't get him out of my head

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I went back to my dorm only thinking of Mattheo which sounds so dumb but it was true I couldn't get him out of my head.

As I entered my dorm I have my own for some reason it's just always been like that since first year.

I went towards my bathroom to get a quick shower before I went to bed. After my shower I got dressed, did my hair and laid out my uniform on my desk for my first day back before finally getting into bed and falling asleep.


I woke up and got dressed as quickly as possible excited to see Cassie it felt like I hadn't seen her in years even though it had only been a few hours.

As I made my way down the stairs, heading towards were I was supposed to be meeting Cassie I bumped straight into Mattheo Riddle I gave him a dirty look before trying to go around hoping he had forgotten about me crying and how we were supposed to meet in the astronomy tower.

But he hadn't forgotten nor was letting me go around him "what do you want Mattheo?" I asked giving him a glare all he did was smirk while leaning down towards my ear saying "don't forget astronomy tower after dark" I just rolled my eyes trying to go around him yet again but he still wouldn't let me.

"Mattheo move or els-" but before I could finish he cut me off "or else what?" He looks down at me intrigued I hate how he towers over me.

Thankfully I saw Cassie coming to my rescue. "Hey Aurora everything alright?" Cassie questions but before I could respond Mattheo did "yes everything is fine just making sure Rory is okay after the whole train incident" he explains a complete and total lie.

I hate liars.

But he looks at me as if to say 'please go along with it otherwise Cassie will kick my arse'.

I love the fact Cassie can scare him sometimes I just find it so funny.

So i do go along with it not only because of his look but also because I didn't want him to tell Cassie what I saw just yet.

"Well alright then we best add be going" Cassie says while interlocking her arm with mine as we walk down hall towards the great hall absolutely starving.


As the day goes on it gets closer to the time I have to meet Mattheo I'm starting to dread it but I know if I don't show up Mattheo will end up stalking me more then he has been.

As I make my way up the stairs to the astronomy tower I see I tall figure looking over the balcony I recognise the person as Mattheo and walk over to him.

He has a cigarette in his mouth which is just disgusting "you know you shouldn't smoke right"
I say to him as he inhales from the cigarette he doesn't reply and instead just stares at me waiting for me to speak.

"I really hate cigarettes" I say to him and his facial expression softens "yeah?" He asks and all I can reply with was "yeah"

"Well then that's too bad" he says as he turns back to look at the view which I have to admit is really beautiful I let out a sigh and continue "give me some".

"What?" Mattheo furrows his eyebrows "give me some I said" and he simply says "no" I reply with a sharp "yes" "not a chance" he chuckles out "well if i can't have some you can't" I simply say as I turn to look at the view while he turns to look at me.

The next thing I see is the cigarette he was just smoking being tossed off of the tower and Mattheo leaning against the railing exhaling some smoke saying "fine if you don't smoke I won't at least not around you and not as much" I smile at his statement before going to sit down.

He follows me and sits down beside me after a few more minutes of silence I finally get the courage to speak "right then what do you want to know?"
Mattheo just looks at me and simply says "everything".

As I start to explain what I saw in Harry's mind and how it felt how sad he was, Mattheo just listened he didn't interrupt me once nor did he laugh when I told him that all I felt around Harry was a sadness that I had never felt before he just listens.

After a while I find him staring at me as I explain to him what I saw.

After awhile of feeling his eyes on me I had enough and turned to face him "what are you staring at Mattheo" he just continued to stare but this time at me lips before replying "I'm staring at the most gorgeous girl I have ever laid my eyes on".

When he said that my heart began to melt and it was like there was a magnetic field between us pulling us closer together until our lips were now inches away and all I could do was smile at him as he kissed me.

I was a bit shocked but I soon melted into the kiss and began to kiss him back.

The kiss turned into a make out session before it finally ended with his hand underneath my skirt I knew I was already soaked and as he touched my red laced thong he soon figured that out too.

All he could do was smile at me before saying "can I" I nodded yes but he grabbed my throat softly and said "use your words love" I looked at him again "yes Matt you can" with that he smiled before ripping my laced thong I gasped at his actions knowing I was going to regret this in the morning.

No you won't.

As he started to stroke my throbbing clit I moaned "look at you Aurora already wet and moaning and I barely even touched you" he said as he thrusted one of his fingers into me with ease because of how wet I was.

I gasped at the sensation of one of his fingers inside of me but when another finger entered me I moaned his name.

"That's a good girl, moan my name but even louder this time" he said as he curled his fingers inside of me I felt myself start to clench around his fingers as I moaned again.

"Look at you Aurora being fingered like a slut in a public place" I moaned at his degrading words.

If anyone else was to call me a slut I would've punched them or cursed them but no not with Mattheo Riddle his degrading words turned me on even more.

"Matt I'm gonna cum" I whimper to him but he stops as soon as the words leave my mouth "what the fuck Mattheo" I say to him while his finger are still inside me "beg" he says with a smirk "what?" I ask in a bit of disbelief "I said beg" he says again pushing his fingers further into me making him knuckle deep as I gasp, i look at him to see if he's joking or not but he isn't.

And so I give in "please Mattheo" he looks at me with a smirk as he curls his fingers again "please what?" I sigh and before continuing "please make me cum" his stupid smirk widens as he starts to pump his fingers into me again making me a moaning mess.

"Matt" I whimper and he all he says is "I know go on cum on my fucking fingers you slut" and I do as he says but he keeps thrusting his fingers into me helping get through my high.

After another minute of pumping his fingers into me he pulls them out and puts them into his mouth tasting me before he kisses me again.

He stands up reaching his hand out to mine which I take he helps me to my feet and walks me back to the Gryffindor common room.

As I turn turn to walk into the common room he grabs my arm and pulls me back towards him and kisses me again but this time the kiss was passionate as he pulls away all he says is "goodnight Rory" and I reply by giving him a small smile and kissing him again, "goodnight Matt" I say as walk into the common room.


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