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Great! Another PT appointment where Tom is gonna do absolutely nothing. I mean, we would've been done with this three days ago if he would just fucking listen.

"Are you ready to be a good boy today and listen?" I ask Tom, pulling into the appointment. I'm driving because his leg went limp and he almost crashed the car.

It may not make sense, but the bullet hit a bunch of nerves I guess, which is why he's having trouble walking. It grazed right past his spine.

Maybe it could've fixed his scoliosis.

I would've thanked Tristan for that one. "I'm not a fucking dog, i'll do whatever is necessary." Tom crosses his legs. "Okay, sassy." I say switching my gear.

"Can you stop with the sassy shit? Im not sassy!" He whines. "Yeah, okay that's why you called me pookie the other day." I laugh.

"I heard Aliyah say it! I wanted to try it out, guess it didn't work." He sighs. "Just stick to lil mama." I squint my eyes, damn my vision was getting bad.

"So you do like lil mama then?" Tom asks. "No, but it's better then pookie." I park the car, stepping out. I make my way to the other side, opening the door for princess Tom. "Here you go princess." I say, opening the door.

"Babe, please i'm a queen." He puts his hand on his chest correcting me. "See! That there! That was sassy!" I point my fingers in his face.

Tom kisses the tip of my finger, raising his brow at me. "Sassy men are taking over, I swear." I put my finger down, walking away. "My crutch is in the back!" He yells. "Get it yourself!" I yell back.

"Baby! Please, i'm crippled!" He shouts from the car. I roll my eyes, walking back to him. "Walk." I say sternly.

"I literally can't." He stares at me blankly. "Yes, you fucking can, you just won't try." I tug on his wrist pulling him inside, oh look he was walking!

"Look who can walk hm." I let go of his wrist, walking inside the office. "It hurts!" Tom whines, yet once again. "It's gonna hurt!" I yell.

"#PookieNation!" Tom shouts, I suddenly turn my back to him. What the fuck.

"I started watching his videos now I can't stop... Leave me alone!" Tom flaps his arms, walking into the office with me.

"Maybe I should set you up with a therapist honey, it's getting bad." I say, worriedly. Rubbing his beard.

"Girl! #PookieNation is lit! We don't need a therapist!" Tom laughs. "This is absurd." I shake my head, Tom sits in the chair, waiting for the PT guy.

He starts to hum. 'What can I say?' While doing the little movement with his hands.

"I swear to god Tom." I start to glare at him. "POOKEYYY." He yells, smirking at me.

"I love you my insane pookie bear." I smile, giving him a kiss. "No, only I can do it! I'm the original pookie!"

"No you're not." I look at him as if he was an idiot. Which he was. "I am, don't hate on me." He starts to sing. "Tom, stop it please." I rub his shoulder.

"Im never gonna stop being sassy, I started and now i'm never stopping." He starts to laugh evilly. "Please. Stop." I hold his face, looking into his eyes.

I was concerned for his mental health.

The PT guy walks in, Tom goes to dab him up. "Sup pookie! We lit!" He laughs. "Sup... Pookie?" The PT guy looks at him, confused.

I think he was just glad Tom was being nice to him.

"I'm ready to learn! Hit me with your tricks!" Tom jumps up, squealing. Oh shit, I think I know what happened. "Tom, can I speak to you? Alone." I drag his arm out, going into the hallway.

"Did you eat the brownies Mrs. Roger brought for us?" I ask. "Oh yeah, I ate like this many!" Tom puts up three fingers in my face.

"Tom! She sent over the wrong batch, she said that those were her husbands pot brownies because he's going through leukemia! She said to throw them out!"

I saw his eyes go wide. "I'm not high?! Pookie nation is just lit right now!" He yells, making a hashtag with his fingers. "Okay, cancel the appointment. We're going home." I drag his arm out.


"Okay, Tom. Sweet dreams." I say tucking him into bed. "Lay with me, please." He pouts, I sigh getting in bed next to him.

He lifts up my shirt, staring hard at my stomach. "Don't do drugs kids." He whispers, kissing and laying his head on my stomach.

He slowly starts to pull on my pants, looking up at me. "Not slick." I shake my head. "I'm cleared by the doctor right?" Tom asks. "Nope, they said six weeks."

Tom pulls his head up becoming the big spoon he takes me into a big hug. "Honk, honk, honk." He says, squeezing my boobs. "I'm gonna honk your dick if you don't stop," I threaten him.

"Do it, I dare you." Tom squints his eyes at me.

I put my hands in his pants, clenching on his dick. "See now you're just turning me on." He smirks.

"I can never win." I pull my hand out his pants, putting my head in the pillow.

"Honk, honk, honk."

He starts to squeeze my ass.

A/N- this is what happens when i have no ideas.

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