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Shen Ricky. Or, Shen Quan Rui. 20 years old. A chaebol whose family owns the biggest fashion industries in China. Tall, rich, blonde, handsome, intelligent, the guy everyone dreams of. He is currently attending college, majoring in fashion and business.

Kim Jiwoong. 22 years old. A scholarship student in drama major who works part-time at a coffee shop next to campus to pay his bills, given that his family is poor. His sharp and handsome features, with perfectly aligned white teeth, and kind nature make him stand out.

Those were the things that caught Ricky's eyes when the younger first saw him at his favorite coffee shop. Both boys had a few things in common, like the passion for music and dancing,

They start talking, hanging out and eventually start dating, in what would be another cliche Cinderella-like story. But this was real life, and sometimes things were a little more complicated.

Yes, I slightly adjusted the ages. 

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