MAMA [Lay x Baekhyun]

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Baekhyun was still very energetic and had trouble sitting still for lengthier periods of time. This inhibited his ability to perform well in school and sit quietly in church. Most of the Exo members were Catholic, or at least Christian, except Suho, of course. Still, Suho attended mass with the rest of the group every Sunday as he enjoyed the atmosphere and the group's company. Baekhyun frequently got punished or lectured for not sitting still during the hour-long mass; which, by the way, seemed like an eternity to him.

It was a warm Sunday in early spring. The group had arrived home after attending their weekly mass and Baekhyun just could not sit still. The group sat down at the table as Kyungsoo warmed lunch up. Baekhyun continued to fidget and move about in his chair as he waited. He also had a habit of pretending the air was paper and his finger a pen.

"Baek," Lay said quietly, trying to get the boy's attention, but Baekhyun seemed to be in his own world.

"Baekhyun!" Lay tried again. Still, no response.

"Byun Baekhyun!"

The younger boy made steady eye contact with Yixing and formed his hands into a gun shape before aiming them at Lay.

"Pew!" he screamed. Lay just smiled. Baekhyun was adorable.

"Very funny, Baekhyun. But, I need you to sit still now. We're about to eat and I don't need you knocking anything over. Yes?"

Baekhyun nodded but continued to shoot his arms around. Kyungsoo emerged from the kitchen with a large plate of sandwiches for the entire group. As D.O. lowered his body to set the plate in the middle of the table, the inevitable happened. Baekhyun shot his hands up to his upper right side, knocking the large platter out of Kyungsoo's hands and sending the food flying. Within an instant, Suho was yelling at Baekhyun.

"Byun Baekhyun! Go to your room this instant!"

"I will be up there to discuss with you, Baekhyun," Lay said firmly.

"But I didn't do anything wrong," the younger boy argued. "It was an accident!"

"Byun Baekhyun! Do NOT raise your voice at me! Go to your room immediately!"

"No!" the vocalist screamed.

"Excuse me?"

"I said no!"

"Baekhyun, I will count to three, and if your butt isn't walking up those stairs to that room, you will get bedtime spankings for a week! One."

Baekhyun didn't need to be told twice. He knew Lay always made good on his words. With tears welling up in his eyes, he bolted up the stairs and to the bedroom he and Chanyeol shared. From there, he waited for Lay to arrive. He hated the way the hyungs and geges made him wait before he was going to be punished, he wished they would just get it over with. He knew that he was probably going to be spanked; that's how he was usually punished at least. He remembered how about a couple of months ago, Suho had spanked him with the wooden spoon for behaving badly in church. Getting spanked by the hand was bad enough, but getting spanked with the wooden spoon hurt a hell of a lot more. He hoped Lay wouldn't spank him with the wooden spoon.

After about twenty minutes, Lay came into the room. Baekhyun was relieved to find that Lay had not come with the wooden spoon. Lay began to lecture Baekhyun on respect and obedience before asking, "How should you be punished, Baekhyun?"

Lay took off his belt and folded it end to end before striking the edge of Baekhyun's bed several times.

"Should I whip you with the belt like this?" he asked.

"No..." a guilty and remorseful Baekhyun said in a quiet little voice.

Lay slid the belt back in between the loops of his pants and Baekhyun let out a silent sigh of relief.

"You stay in here. When I come back you are going to get a good spanking just like this," he said before yanking Baekhyun off of the bed and smacking his bottom just hard enough to sting. Then, he left the room.

Baekhyun was hoping that that single smack had been his whole spanking. But, he knew it wasn't. The smack wasn't very hard and there was only one. Lay was really dragging his punishment out this time. Baekhyun lay face down on his pillows, wallowing in his own guilt and fear.

He waited in his room for what seemed like forever. Finally, after half an hour, Lay returned to the room.

"How old are you?" Lay asked.

Baekhyun thought the question to be weird. Surely, Lay knew that he was in fact nineteen years old. "Nineteen," Baekhyun answered in a meek and apprehensive voice.

"Then, you get nineteen spankings," Lay said.

Nineteen?! Baekhyun was used to getting only a couple of swats on his bottom when he was naughty, but nineteen?!

Lay sat down on the bed and pulled Beakhyun over his knee so that he was bent at the waist and his upper half was resting on the bed.

He couldn't believe that he was about to be spanked nineteen times! "Not bare!" he screamed out as Lay began to pull his pants down.

Baekhyun was wearing a pair of black pants and white underwear. Lay pulled down the pants and underwear at the same time so that they were resting just below his butt. Baekhyun's bare bottom was revealed and ready to be spanked.

Lay raised his hand high over Baekhyun's bottom and brought it down hard on his two naked cheeks with a loud SMACK! Baekhyun felt the terrible sting that a spanking always leaves. It had been months since his last spanking; he had almost forgotten how much they hurt. Almost...

Suho had always spanked him fast, in a hurry to get the ordeal over with. But Lay? Lay spanked slower. He allowed ample time between each swat for the sting to sink in.

After several seconds, Lay let down another harsh SMACK to the boy's naked bottom. The stinging intensified.















After sixteen harsh spanks, the pain was too much for Baekhyun to bear.

SMACK! After the seventeenth spanking, which was the hardest yet, Baekhyun began to cry. He had misbehaved and now here he was, pants and undies pulled down, getting a spanking over Yixing's lap.

SMACK! Lay gave him the eighteenth spanking and Baekhyun began to cry harder. His bottom was burning.

SMACK! That was the last spanking. Baekhyun was sobbing into the bed covers from the intense burning in his bottom. Lay pulled his pants and undies back up, covering his deep pink cheeks.

Lay left Baekhyun alone in the room to cry himself out until the stinging subsided. Baekhyun cried for about 10 minutes. He rubbed his bottom through the seat of his pants, trying to lessen the stinging sensation. He has been punished for his misbehavior, but he knew that the group, his family, would welcome him with open arms once he had calmed down.

After about half an hour, Baekhyun emerged from his room. The stinging in his bottom had reduced and he had ceased crying. He felt relaxed after his punishment. As usual, Baekhyun was an angel for the rest of the day. Not only because he did not want to be spanked again, but also because he had felt guilty for knocking the food out of Kyungsoo's hands. He would likely be a little more behaved for the months after. 

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