The attic room

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It's nighttime. Silence and darkness rule the night. Only one little light can be seen in the sky, the Moon.

A lantern brings light to the attic room, there is poverty, HUGE poverty. The walls are wet, mold decorates the room. The room is almost empty, only a bed, a table and a HUGE chest can be found.

But who lives here?
A family can be seen around the candelight, a mother with her infant in her arms sitting on the HUGE chest. The older son is sleeping peacfully. The father is at the desk, he can't sleep. The boy wakes up.

"Dad im hungry as fuck" - says the child

"When the inflation decreases then you can eat, my son, I'll bring you lemonade and fresh chicken thigh" - answered the father

"I would rather eat price-stopped chicken thighs today than tomorrow fresh chicken breast. I haven't eaten for days" - the child went silent for a moment - "Will we still starve after death, dad?"

"No, my son, don't be a moron" - said thr dad in dismay

"Then I want to die, buy me a coffin, put me in it. The dead must be happy since they don't starve"

The father's heart shattered upon hearing the child's words, a teardrop came down his face and he told his son:

"I'll go, Matthew, and I'll find some food"


Since the father didn't have any money, he went hunting. He used a piss-warm beer bottle as a weapon.

Due to the fact that he was hunting with a Heineken bottle, he didn't have much choice. He came acroos a plump rat and he targeted it.

He grew up on Fortnite, so he easely caught the rat... He also found some fresh orange on the ground.

He skinned and chopped up the rat, he disguised it as chicken thigh then he took the orange and he put in an unconscious homeless man's mouth and started punching him mercilessly until he pissed Fanta.

He took the Fanta and the chickenthigh home to his son who consumed it joyfully.

"Dad, this is the best thing I have ever eaten." - said Matthew and he went to sleep

The father's face didn't show any sign of remorse, seemingly this wasn't the first time this had happened, but what could make him do such a thing?

Stick around to learn his story

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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