Part 1

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Hi I'm Elena Lopez I'm 17 years old and I also come from poor family.

Monday 7:50 a.m.

I'm eating breakfast and someone knocked on the door, my mom answered it.

Ohh here you aree we were just waiting for you to come!- mom

I just looked at them and I continued eating.

Elena thats rude, you need to say "hello". We talked about it. Just stop eating and come here.-mom

Ughh I don't want to talk to people this early and I don't even know them.

Hello miss Elena- bodygourds said in one voice.
How do you know my name?-ME
Honey, thats rude.- mom
I don't care- ME
Look honey I need to tell you something-mom
What now?-ME
We sold you to this handsome men-mom
WHATT?!!- I yelled.
You sold me?-ME
Yes, look its best for both.- mom
How its good for me?-ME
Look you could just live with rich husband and we need to live here.-mom
Ok, for how much money you sold me?-ME
Honey, don't do that-mom
Okey for 20 million dolars.-mom
Okey, I'm going to pack now,byee-ME
Honey, wait-mom
You- I point to one of the bodygourd.
Come with me-ME

I've packed everything and I've been thinking what to say to my mother and I've thought. We are done and the bodygourd is taking my luggage downstairs.

We all went outside and I just headed to the car but my mother stopped me.

Honey, can't you just hug us-mom
Oh, wait who are you. Both of you sre dead to me now. And I just will tell my baby you are dead simple.-ME

She just wanted to say something but I just entered the car. And we drove of.

Ma'am- Bodygourd
What- ME
Are you really pregnant?- he
And why it would concern you?- ME
Because it will angered boss- He
I don't care- ME

And he just stopped talking thank God.

           *About 40 minutes later*

We arrived to the airport. No,noo I'm scared of plane and heights. Bodygourds left and door was open for me. I got out of the car and every were were some mans in black. And they were hundreds of them. And there it was my fear, the plane
I will not go with that plane- ME
Is there something wrong with this plane?- someone
No, it isn't- ME
Then, lets go- Someone

With every step my stomach turned around. Oh, I feel I'm about to puke.
I just stopped and the guy behind was very angry with it for some reason.

Goo, why did you stop?- He yelled at me.

My legs started to work by themselves. And as soon as entered the plane that guy didn't want to wait. He just pushed me and walked forward.

Oh my God what a idiot. I almost fell but I didn't, I don't know how.
I just got on my feet and I walked forward. When someone stopped me.

This would be your seet.- Handsome man
Ohh, okay- ME

And I just sat down. Oh God how I will survive this. I started to panic.

Hey, hey, hey look at me. Everything would be fine.- He said
I hope so- ME

I colmed down a little bit. But i was still afraid. And he saw it.

Elena, sit next to me- Him
What?- ME
I said sit next to me- Him
I heard that bit how do you know my name?- ME
Its not important just sit next to me I can se you are afraid.-Him

I just sat down next to him. And immediately a whiff of his perfume passed through my nose. It smelled beautiful. Every man should smell like that OMG.

He immediately grabbed my thight. I just looked at him, but he was already looking at me smiling.

I didn't even look at him before, but now that I look at him, he's actually beautiful. He has dark brown hair, beartd, beautiful brown eyes. And the most beautiful smile in the world.

Princess, you are staring.- He
I'm so so sorry- I just looked down. Bit he grabbed my chin and he lifted it up.

Princess, don't be sorry you could look at me every time you want even if its staring.- him
But, you can't tell me those things you're boss will fire you- ME
Princess, why don't you think about it for a second. Who do you think I'am?-Him
Oh, you're the boss.- ME
Yes, you finally got it-Him
Don't be mean- ME
I'm not, okay maybe to someone who deserves that- Him
I want to ask you a question- ME
Ask me everything you want-Him
What is you're name?-ME
Its Alessandro Fernadez- Alessandro
Wait you are him?- Me
Yes, that is me- Alessandro
You're 23 years old, right?- Me
Yes- Alessandro
Oh, okay
Soo princess i,ve heard that you're pregnant is that truth?- Alessandro
Noo, its not truth i've came up with it. It was the first thing that popped in my mind. And my mom will regret that she sold me-Me
You don't think that is a bit harsh?- Alessandro
No, that is what she deserves.-Me
If you say soo- Alessandro
And where are we going?- ME
We are going to LA- Alessandro
Whatt, are you sure?- Me
Yes, I'm sure- Alessandro


That is it for this part of the story I hope you like it. And I've deleted book sold girl so I made a new one. I hope you like it. See youu❤️❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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