Chapter 1

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What Emerson looks like

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was that I was not in my room or any part of my house for that matter. I smelled artificial cleaners which was weird because I don't remember cleaning. I looked around trying to figure out where I was, my breathing started getting shallow as my senses heightened,
I sat up trying to calm my breathing down which worked a little bit. I tried to move my hand to clear the hair that was sticking to my face but, that's when I noticed midway through my action that there was a hospital bracelet on my wrist and an IV injected into the top of my hand. Curiosity got the best of me so, I then started to examine the rest of my body and I found a whole bunch of other gadgets and wires connecting me to a machine along with nasty bruises and deep cuts.
That's when my breathing picked up again. I was so deep into a panic attack that I didn't feel someone put a hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down. I freaked out because of the touch and started ripping out wires and trying to get away from the mystery person. I guess the hospital staff got an alert about my distress because a whole bunch of nurses and doctors came rushing in trying to get me to stop and calm down. I finally came back to reality when I felt someone hug me. I melted into the hug feeling safe and protected for the first time in a while. Then memories of earlier flooded my mind. My bullies attacked me while I was walking home from school. They left me bruised and bloody on the side of the road and left me alone to die not having a care in the world if I died. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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