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You could imagine this homeless mans, (if you could call him a man and not a teen.) reaction as he awoke with a firm foot planted on his chest. That led to a young looking woman in what appeared to be her early thirties dressed in black leather with long curly black hair and deep blue eyes. She looked at him wondering what he was so afraid of. It was just a vampire about to feast on him, and most likely kill him in the process. It wasn't her fault she needed to feed on blood. It didn't really matter what type of blood it was, it could be other vampire blood or monster blood or demon blood... well the idea is that she could drink any blood she pleased. It nourished her and kept her strong. She took it in moderation though, as Annebeth would soon go on a feeding frenzy to fuel her addiction if she took too much at one time.

Annebeth had many enemies and not all were as weak and flimsy as a homeless teen. She loathed kidnapping but thought it a necessary evil. It was no different from humans eating cows or killing chickens for food to her. Annebeth didn't understand that whilst animals were being slaughtered left and right everything was fine, but when a human goes missing suddenly it's the end of the world and they start preaching about the end of days.

Anyway, she stood on the boy's chest. The beach around them was calm and that was very controversial to what this poor beggar was feeling. The waves lapped around on the sand, some coming in stronger waves than others. It was a good day for a terrible crime. Surely nobody would bother if a homeless person went missing? It wasn't fine with her, she would rather feast on her enemies than a young boy with his whole life ahead of him but it had just turned the seventeenth day of June into twenty sixteen, and she needed a pick me up and a birthday present.

The boy looked at her with fear in his eyes and a note for death on his tongue, as if he were to scream "Please don't kill me!" Whilst she killed him. She looked at his surroundings. He lived on a Pier, well actually under a pier in the metal beneath the Pier. By him was a bed of sorts that seemed to be made from a net. What were they called? Hammocks? That sounded right to her. Looking further round she saw a collection of food in a Tesco bag nearby and an area for coats. He had clearly made a home here and seemed quite content with his abode until she arrived.

"W... what do you want with me?" He squealed at her

"Oh, nothing darling! I just want dinner. It has been a long time since I've eaten!" She exclaimed.

He pointed at the food to his left and nodded as if saying she could help herself.

"Oh? You miss understand me!" She said Flirtatiously as was the female vampire way when talking to prey. Male vampires were so blunt and aggressive. She wouldn't come across that way to this sweet little sna... boy.

Getting the jump on him wasn't hard. He snored like a whale and it was rather easy to track his scent as he had such a delightful aroma about him. It was sweet and a bit Tangy, much like a Fanta. She had only tried Fanta once before as it was recommended to her by another one of her meals. She loved it! There were few things she enjoyed more than blood but when she drank that soft and fizzy drink! It was like a fountain of happiness slipping down her throat. She smiled at the memory and then remembered the task at hand. She had to get this human to her lair and enjoy him as he passed to another world, a world so beautiful that he would rejoice at his death. Annebeth thought he would rather like death, seeing as he was living under a piece of wood, but that was her opinion.

After thirty minutes of playing with him. Well, at least that's what she thought they were doing. She played with him even more, what a delight! They were playing games like chase and who can run the fastest and who can hit harder. That kind of thing. He ran forward as fast as he could, a look of pure fear in his eyes. She thought he was playing so Annebeth quickly caught up to him and dragged him back to the pier. Then he would throw a flimsy punch at her which bounded off her leather jacket pretty much as soon as the blow landed. She wore a Jacket made by a vampire tailor who made protective clothing.

She laughed and smiled at him endearingly as she smacked him back. She still didn't realize the terror the boy was portraying as he dropped to the floor and ran for the pier. She smiled and laughed at what she thought was a game of Chase as he began screaming to his pier. She chased him at not even half speed so that maybe he could find a place to hide before she caught up to him. His ragged jeans had holes in them from all the games and his face was somehow very swollen. He scored a black eye and a broken nose which seemed strange to her as whenever she played chase with other humans they would last longer.

As Annebeth reached the Pier she began her search. She dulled her senses as she didn't want to spoil the fun and sense where he was with her nose. That would take all the fun out of it.

"Homeless boy?" She asked

"Where are you?"

A whimper from nearby and a sudden jerking action came from one of the holsters nearby.

"There you are!" she said happily as she strode towards him. Her feat didn't slip on the wet wood, she was sure-footed and after six-hundred and sixty-two years of life, she had learned to have a perfect balance when playing games such as this. It reminded her of the time she cornered this young woman in Veness so long ago as she jumped in the canal in the dead of night when they were playing Chase. It didn't seem like a fair hiding place at the time but eventually, she caught up to the girl and dragged her to her lair. Annebeth never quite understood why the girl was screaming at her the whole time. She was doing her a favor.

Annebeth continued walking till she saw the young impish features of the boy in front of her. He was crying. Why were humans always crying during our games together? As she dragged him back through the Pier she gently put him down in his Hammock and began to pack his things. It was getting late and however much she wanted to continue playing she looked at the boy and thought that he had had enough for today.

Why did she pack his things? Well, there seemed to be something special about this human. He was scared of her, yes, and that was tiringly boring as he had no reason to be scared. But there was just something about his sweet aroma and the flavors he must have in him... oh she was going to keep this one alive for a good long time. A quick snack here and there wouldn't be too bad would it?

The teen lay there shivering. He had obviously accepted his fate and knew there was no way to get away from her. She smiled at him and he cringed away from her.

"Only trying to be nice," said Annebeth as she finished packing his things and placing them in a bag. There wasn't much to carry, to be honest. They wouldn't need the Hammock and all he had otherwise was clothing and food. But she had plenty of both at her Lair.

"It's time to go!" she said a little too enthusiastically which made the boy twitch and spasm.

Seeing no way out of his predicament he simply slumped his shoulder and walked to her as if he were one of her spawns. Spawns were tiresome. They had their uses. I mean they are the next generation of vampires but they were a little new to the vampire scene and most of the time were too eager to learn. Why were they eager to learn you may ask? Wouldn't they be forced to become a vampire? Well the answer to that would be no. A Spawn must be willing to become a vampire, overwise, they will die during their change. It would be unfair to change someone without their eagerness to change.

So with this new knowledge, you must see what Annebeth thought of the boy as he reluctantly scampered towards her whimpering every step of the way and muttering under his breath "Please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't kill me" The whole way until they finally reached the doors to her lair. They were white and gleamed in the sun. (Yes real vampires can walk in the sun!) She stepped towards the hospital that was her lair and with a gentle push she encouraged the boy in.

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