Still Alive

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The Zombie apocalypse has happened, those who didn't survive the first wave were either eaten or turned to zombies. The world has been disearted and if there was any survivors they're forced back to nature.

Rick Grimes's group finds themselves walking a highway when an army of what they call walkers come by and they are split, Ricks son, Carl is shot by a man named Otis, who regretfully helps them and bring them to his farm, the Greene Farmer where Carl gets help, and will be getting more help when his doctor arrives back. Daryl Dixon, an archer gets sent on a supply run for medical equipment.

He finds a small town, in which he searches through trying to find items he was sent there for when he hears a shout and many, many dead groans. Walkers. He turns to look for was shouting seeing if it's worth the risk to save them, he sees a blonde women stood on a van stabbing as many as she can with a long pointy stick. In her defends she's doing well at it, she looks over and spots him stood there watching.

"Great" he says to himself as he raises his crossbow and starts shooting at them as he gets closer taken them out from behind 

"Jump and run" he shouts to her
"Yeah, no thanks stranger, I'm going to take my chance up here" she replies
"It's that or they eat you. That stick ain't gonna hold up much longer" he steps back and stops firing at the walkers, she closes her eyes takes a deep breath and jumps to him behind the walkers, who turn round to watch her fly past their brainless heads. As she lands she catches her breath and he hands her a knife from his pocket, she takes it and they start killing the walkers once more. Eventually killing them all, she hands it back to him, "Keep it, looks like you need it"

"Thanks but I'm good, I don't need that"
"In this world girl you do"
"Thanks, don't think I could have done that on my own" she smiles at him and puts the knife in her side bag.
"don't mention it" he says as he turns and leaves her standing there, she quickly follows him and walks by his side, "So", "do you have a place around here?" he just ignores her question not wanting to give anything away
"You're on your own now. Riding a bike, not a car, shows at least a loner personality type. Attitude shows a dislike for people and in this world, like you said, being around people is good. However the bag full of supplies you are carrying says you have a group, no one stocks up that much"
"Are you done" he groans out
"So I'm saying" she ignores him "you have a group probably a large one, at least it used to be", the last part hitting a nerve on Daryl, thinking back to loosing many members of his group
"Enough. I helped you. end off. I don't need to be analysed or FOLLOWED"
"Sorry, it's kind of automatic. I'm Jennifer -"
"Dont care" he cuts her of by saying.
"Okay Mr Bowman, what's your name?"
"Look lady I need supplies not a friend" he says getting tired of her constant questions and talking, "What kind of supplies I could help I've been here a couple days probably have what you need. I'm willing to share" he sighs at her not getting the hint, then looks to her giving in to her constant talking
"Why's that?" he reluctantly asks, "Why not, in this world, it's good to make a connection, never know when you might need the help"

"LOOK" he stops and faces her, he stops for a second looking at her eyes, admiring them "Yes?" she asks bring him out of staring "Look, I can get this stuff myself, so get lost blonde"
"Fine" she says moving back "I'll leave you to it. Nice meeting you, crossbow" she smiles and waves as she walks the opposite direction, "Good luck" she says turning for a second before running into a house to look around. What a weird one Daryl thinks to himself, she is not going to survive long on her own he continues to think as he goes back to looking for supplies. 

After a while he finds as much as he can and heads back to his bike, but when he does he sees the same blonde women as before sat on his bike starting it up. "NO" he shouts at her and she gets it going "Thanks for the help again" she smiles at him as she rides past him, he tries to run after her but she gets too far. Dam it he thinks.

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