Take A break (iidadeku)

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Lately, Tenya Iida has been stressing over his school work. Because the end of the semester is approaching, he has a lot on his plate. With a big math exam coming up, hes been studying nonstop. But how much studying is too much?

Iida sighed, leaning back in his desk chair. He had been studying for the upcoming exam for almost three hours now without a break, and it was starting to get to him. His eyes burned from staring at the computer for too long and his hand cramped from taking so many notes. He could feel his stomach twisting from hunger as he had skipped dinner in hopes of finishing his notes before it got too late.

Leaning back over his book, Iida tried to ignore the discomfort he was feeling. He wanted to finish his work but he was interrupted by a gentle knock. Iida swiftly stood to unlock the door. Standing outside was a small, green haired boy holding a grocery bag.

"Hi iida! I don't mean to interupt but i noticed you didn't come to dinner and i was worried maybe you weren't feeling well or-" he was beginning to ramble. Iida couldn't help but smile at his friends concern. "I'm okay midoriya, thank you. I'm just studying for the math exam" iida interrupted, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "How long have you been studying for? " deku questioned, noticing the prominant circles under the blue haired boys eyes. "Just a few hours, I'm almost done" iida responded, motioning for the smaller boy to enter.
Izuku laid the plastic bag on iidas desk, careful not to crumple any of his papers. Iida tried to return to his desk, however, he was struck with a sudden wave of dizziness. "Iida kun are you alright?" Midoriya, yelped, rushing to steady the blue haired male. "Im fine, i need to get back to work though." A look of discontent replaced midoriyas look of concern. "You need to take a break" deku said firmly. He was not about to let one of his best friends study himself to death. "Ill be done soon midoriya, theres no need to worry" iida replied, smiling in an attempt to relax the boy. Without a word, midoriya grabbed iidas arm and pulled him towards his bed. "Lay down, ill bring you your food" midoriya commanded. Iida did as he was told and laid beneath the covers. Midoriya brought him udon and turned on a funny movie. "Its okay to take a break iida. You dont always have to push yourself so hard" midoriya whispered. All iida could say was thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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