Who Would Care?

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Who would care?

If I left this earth in despair?

This is what I say to myself,

As I cut myself to be fair.

Everyone has their share

And I have mine,

I ask myself,

Am I the only one who can read,

Between the lines?

People sit and dine,

Drinking glasses of wine

Sitting by piles of gold,

And other treasured finds.

They're surrounded by huge metal shrines,

Specifically designed,

For their brilliant minds

While different kinds,

Of lies,

Flow through the steeple,

While others work inside,

A big huge ore mine.

I think to myself,

I wish to die,

And then I say,

That's a lie


My friends need me

They need someone as a lead,


I've broken free

And they struggle and follow me

And I start to see

How much they love me.

They were there to hold me up at my worst

And they were there to celebrate the best

Now lets go,

I don't need a rest

So put on that vest

I'm going back in

And pulling then out.

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