Chapter 5: A New 'Friend'

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• • • • • Alan's POV

"Good job on this one you two! I thought it would take you all day to get it done, but you never cease to amaze me." Tom said to them, giving them their reward.

"You're right, it was more difficult than the ones we have been doing, but we managed." William said.

It was more difficult than normal, but you're just too strong for any of these requests to keep us busy for longer than a few hours... I thought, Well except for that one time when we lost our badges...

"Anyways, do you have another request to recommend us? One that would be quick to complete so we can make it home before dinner time?" I asked.

"I have one in mind." He said, floating over the counter to the request board and grabbing one on the far right, "This one should be good enough."

He gave it to Alan who stopped and stared at it for a minute after he opened it.

William got confused by his silence and walked over to take a look at the request. It was a Silver ranked request to find a Minun who had gone missing in a Mystery Dungeon on floor 48, it wouldn't be too hard, but we'd never done one of these rescue missions before.

"And another thing, I think you're going to be ready to rank-up to gold soon."

"Wait, really?" Alan asked.

"Yep, you two have proven yourselves to be plenty capable, I think it's time for you to rank-up again."

"We just got to Silver rank a month ago!" William exclaimed.

"Yup, and if you get this request done, you'll reach Gold rank."

"Are you sure we're ready to rank-up again so soon?" I asked.

"Positive," said Tom, "You have been clearing these requests amazingly fast, and you're really strong, I'm sure you're ready."

"Ok," I said, "I don't know if this one will be quick... but I guess we should think of the Pokemon who went missing, they're probably terrified right now..."

"Well if it does make you late getting home, I know a place where we can get dinner, though I was going to take you there to celebrate your next rank-up anyway."

"Ok, thanks Thomas, we'll look forward to it." I said with a small smile.

We checked the map to make sure we knew where we were going and left the guild.

"Alright, Alan, let's go! Double time!" William said, picking me up and leaping into the air.

I screamed at the top of my lungs as we raced through the air, "WAAAAAH!!! WHY!?!?" My paws were instinctively trying to reach out for the ground that was no longer there.

William shouted at me over the wind, allowing me to barely hear him. "You said it best yourself! The Pokemon we are going to rescue is probably terrified right now."

"THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD MAKE ME TERRIFIED TOO!!! AT LEAST WARN ME NEXT TIME WILL YOU!" I screamed at him, tucking in my paws and closing my eyes.

He made some noise that I now realize was probably laughing, but I couldn't process what it was at the moment due to flying through the air at what felt like Mach 1.


By the time we landed my mouth was dry as sandpaper (even though I'd had it closed) and my insides felt like they wanted to become my outsides. I then laid down and held my head in my paws to try and stop it from spinning.

When I had finally calmed down enough to be able to stand up without puking, I realized we weren't even at the Mystery Dungeon.

"William..." I said in a voice that blatantly betrayed my irritation as I hovered over his face, "Where. Are. We."

ES AU: William the ChaeoniWhere stories live. Discover now