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beep beep beep

there goes my alarm again, this time at 6:50. I get up and go straight to the shower. The warm water hits my cold skin from the recent cold nights. I wanted to stay in the shower longer but can't do that now since I've got uni to go to. I leave the shower and wrap a towel around me. I go to the mirror and starts drying my hair. I curl my hair and pin it out of my face ready to do my usual makeup- concealer, blush and mascara. After that I walk over to my wardrobe wondering what to wear today. I start pulling out random pieces of clothing not knowing what Id actually wear. After minutes of trying on clothes and pairing them up I finally get dresses into what I will be wearing today.

 After minutes of trying on clothes and pairing them up I finally get dresses into what I will be wearing today

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I put my shoes on and head downstairs. As usual, my mum prepares me breakfast and I sit at the kitchen island. 

"thanks mum" I say as she does the dishes and I eat my breakfast. We had to leave early, my mum had to go to the office early so she's going to have to drop me off earlier. 

Before leaving I quickly down my glass of orange juice and put that glass into the dishwasher. I meet my mum at the front of the house waiting in the car.  as soon as I get int he car my mum drives off, stressing she's going to be late.

When I get to the school, I get out of the car, wave, and head up the stairs. I didn't know what to do this early, it seemed like no one was at school, so I just wander around the school trying to get used to the layout. After some time of wandering I see a sign saying library. I enter the library hoping for any signs of humans. However, with my luck, there was no one there. Regardless, I find a spot sit down and unpack my book. It's 8:15 so I've got over an hour to kill. I continue to read my book but the words start to become foggy as my eyes slowly shut and my head ducks down. 

"erm...excuse me"

My head shots straight up and I meet a pair of eyes. The green eyes squint and a frown expression appears. 

"Im sorry" they continue, "I just wanted to see if you're alright, you know..its a bit weird sleeping here". the face of the green eyes says.

I still don't respond.

"Antonio by the way" he says as he stretches his hand out to me, hinting for me to get up. 

"Bella" I say holding on to his hand as I get up. "Sorry for this , hah".

Awkwardness fills the room.

"I was just reading and clearly didn't get enough sleep last night" I speak as I pat my skirt down and fix my jumper.

"or the book was boring" he laughs.

"your right" I respond with a faint giggle. His eyes sink into mine before I say "what time is it?".


"ah shit" I cut him off. "I've got to get to class." I hurry with a rush.

"What do you study" I question him as Im about to leave. 

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