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book- Multiverseauthor- KimIcy_03bot- galwithnoinnocence

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book- Multiverse
author- KimIcy_03
bot- galwithnoinnocence

TITLE- 8/10The title of the book as a whole is nothing that unique but it's fine for a one-shot book

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TITLE- 8/10
The title of the book as a whole is nothing that unique but it's fine for a one-shot book. The title of the story "Ghost of You" Reminds me of that one song by Justin Bieber and I can relate it to the story.

COVER- 9/10

The cover is very nice and eye-catching especially because of the bright color. By seeing the cover one can guess that it's related to singing/kpop.

BLURB- 7/10
The blurb is fine for a one-shot book however the thing which will attract the reader is the first and last lines.

1ST IMPRESSION- ( 3.5/5)
The impression I got is not bad. This book has nice graphics that are pleasing to the eye. However, the blurb could be improved. Cliff hangers are the best weapon when it comes to attracting readers. For example, you could shorten the part where you explain how you came up with the idea and instead ask "what if" questions like "What if I never stayed back for practice? " "What if I never followed that sound" Something like that.

Your writing style and grammar are both good. You did a good job of explaining all the details simply and understandably which makes it easy to imagine while reading.

Even though the book is written in 3rd POV, all the emotions and minute details are explained very nicely. You used squiggly lines between the situation changes and missed one place. I'll give a screenshot at the end. The change between one POV to another is done in a nice way as well.

PLOT- (15/20)
The plot is very related to the main title "Multiverse" because something like this will most likely happen in another world. The story is funny and intriguing and even though I didn't read the whole thing I can tell it's gonna be an interesting one even though the plot is a bit common. I think this one-shot could be a full-length story.


As a whole, the story is well-written. It is possible to improve the work, but you did a good job overall.

TOTAL- 82/100


The story itself is good. There aren't many changes to make. Given that this was a one-shot, your writing was good.

 Given that this was a one-shot, your writing was good

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