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You woke up and stared at the ceiling trying to process what happened yesterday. Charles never left your side and stayed with you all night. You looked around only to see him sleeping next to you. You chuckled at the sight of his messy hair and softly caressed it. Even if he was asleep Charles still looked so dreamy. You wanted to get up from bed but you didn't want to wake him up. Your flight was a late afternoon one so that you could spend some time with him before leaving. You leaned close to him and placed a kiss on his cheek.

After calling his name and caressing his arms a little , he finally woke up and smiled when he saw you. "I slept here last night in case you needed anything.." he said and sat up , pulling you closer to him. "You didn't have to , but I prefer it to just finding handwritten notes.." you said and smiled. "I should stop writing them and start texting you instead.." he said since he wanted to tease you. "Next time remind me to keep my mouth shut, Charlie.." you said and smiled.

"I don't like that nickname, I only accept it from you.." he said "That works for me Cha.." you said and he chuckled. "You look so cute when you are sleeping.." you added and ruffled his messy hair. He put on his glasses. He just stared at you for a while and smiled. "What?" you asked him and looked at him with a suspicious stare. "I am so lucky to have you y/n, even if you are not really mine. I am so lucky to be able to spend such moments with you. And I hope that it'll continue being like that in the future, perhaps there will be an even better condition.." he said and sighed.

You just smiled and pecked his lips. "You are amazing. And if you are just lucky to have me , then I am even luckier to have you Charles.." you said proudly. You let him go back to his suite since you wanted to pack your things. You took a deep breath when everything was ready and just sat on your bed thinking about the last days. You considered a discussion with your mom a good way to sort things out in your life and finally be free to do whatever you want. Charles had texted you.

Can I drive you to the airport?

Oh sure Charles
Wanna grab something to eat?

Yes please, I am starving

You laughed at his texts. After some minutes you grabbed your phone and your key card and walked outside your room. You knocked on his door. It took him some time to finally open the door. "What took you so long dumbass..?" You asked and pecked his cheek. "Just making sure that I look handsome enough for you.." he replied and smiled at the kiss. You just chuckled and walked to the breakfast hall with him. "Do you wanna sit with us..?" He asked "I'd rather be alone but I'll give it a chance. Just let's be careful because if Max sees us he'll cause a scene again. I am not in the mood for more drama.." you said.

He nodded. After all he wanted you to be happy and calm. You two spotted Pierre sitting alone and decided to sit with him. "Goodmorning love birds.." he said jokingly "Oh get lost , you don't deserve my goodmorning.." Charles said and fake punched him. "Goodmorning to you too Pierre.." you said feeling like a parent who had to babysit two kids. You were drinking your coffee letting these two gossip.

"It was nice meeting Y/n, I hope that we'll be able to spend more time together during the next season. Get as much rest as you can.." Pierre said. "Thanks Pierre, some rest will be much appreciated I think. I'll miss getting breakfast with that idiot beside me.." you said but Charles' yawn cut you off "yes Charles, I am talking about you. But I'll be texting both of you throughout my break. We'll keep in touch don't worry.." you added and laughed at Charles.

After some time you went back to your room to get your suitcases and walked to the reception in order to do your check out. Charles was already waiting for you with his car keys and a wide smile. He came closer to you to help you with your luggage. Some minutes later you were already in his car driving to the airport. "I'd bring you flowers but it would be a little bit impractical.." he said to break the ice. "It's fine Charles, the car ride is enough already.." you said and looked outside.

"Will you miss me over your break..?" He then asked and his eyes lit up by the curiosity. "Of course I will Charles , that shouldn't even be a question.." you said and looked at him. "I am just making sure.." he added laughing it off. He parked just some meters away from the entrance but you sat there for a while thinking. You signed him to come closer and you took a selfie with him. "I need something to show to my mom.." you said and smiled. "Please send it to me when you can.." he said.

You walked outside the car , took your luggage and soon enough you were already in the plane's cabin. You sent some last texts to Charles and your mom before putting your phone on airplane mode. After catching up with two flights since there wasn't a direct flight to London. You finally arrived. Your mom came to the airport to pick you up. When you spotted her you ran to her and hugged her tight.

"It's been a while , I missed you so much.." you said after letting her go. "I missed you too sweetie, I can't believe that your dad actually agreed to letting you extend your break.." she said as she helped you with your luggage. "Well once in a blue moon , he remembers that he's a dad. I can't complain though, I am finally in England.."  you said and laughed. You finally turned your phone on to text Charles and let him know that you arrived.

I know that you might be sleeping by now but I arrived safe and sound in England
Goodnight Charlie, I hope that you are sleeping well
There you go by the way
*Attachment 1 pic"

Your mom didn't drive you to your apartment but the house you spent all your childhood at. "You can go to your house tomorrow, I just wanted to make sure that you'll eat today. Y/n have you been skipping meals? And also I wanna make sure that you'll sleep well.." your mom mentioned. "I mean I didn't want to be alone so yes I like that decision of yours.." you said and smiled.

You took your suitcases and entered the house with her. You came across pictures of you when you were younger. Always on a red bull t-shirt beside your dad or Max. You smiled so much and took a picture of them and posted on your story with the caption "Home️❤️". "I missed this place.." you said as you found an empty seat at the dinner table close to your mother "I missed helping you cook and asking you when it would be ready.." you added. "I missed knowing that your house is 20 minutes away and that you are not moving countries every two weekends.." your mother mentioned and you laughed.

"At least I am here now.." you said and sighed. "How did you come up with that decision y/n , did anything happen..?" she asked. "There are a lot of things going on , honestly, but I'll make sure to talk about them tomorrow. I know that we need to catch up on each other's news but I feel like a zombie right now.." you said and yawned. "Understood young lady, I am making sure that you are eating properly though. It's a very mom thing to do , you wouldn't understand.." she said and laughed. "At least somebody's taking care of me.." you said.

She had made one of your favourite autumn treats. Pumpkin pie. It was your go to as a child and you still like it just as much as you loved it back then. "How did you know that I have been craving this.." you asked as you took a small bite. "To be honest I didn't, but I know that neither Qatar nor Japan are famous for their pumpkin pie so I decided to give it a try.." she replied with a mocking tone. "That's a very strange way of thinking but I won't complain.." you said.

After eating dinner you made your way to your childhood bedroom. You smiled as you sat on your bed looking around and remembering all these little details of the room. You didn't want to waste your time though. You quickly changed to comfortable clothes and slipped underneath the bedsheets. The next day you woke up and decided to check on your phone which was buzzing on your nightstand.

Hellooo people, how's everyone? Why's Y/n's phone buzzing? Is it related to Charles, or Max? We'll see on the next chapter. Leave a comment and a vote if you liked the story. Have a nice day/night

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