~∆§- Back -§∆~

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It had been a year since Bill had been defeated.

Dipper remembered the day very clearly; how they had all been glowing in the cipher wheel, and the screams of Bill as he was vanquished, how they had to rebuild the town, all of it.

Weirdmageddon had been traumatizing, yes, but it built Dipper into a stronger person. He was grateful for that.

The bus went over a particularly large bump as Dipper looked out the window, watching the pinetree's pass by. They had 3 more hours untill they reached Gravity Falls, and Dipper couldn't be more excited.

The boy smiled to himself as he thought about the town and his friends and family there.

"I'm so excited Dip Dop! Are you excited!? Tell me your excited!" Mabel yelled.

"I'm excited." Dipper said honestly.

"I can't believe we're going back! It's been like, a year." Mabel said happily. "It'll be funny watching you and grunkle Ford nerd out all over again."

Dipper rolled his eyes, but smiled nonetheless. He yawned, feeling tired; he hadn't gotten much sleep last night due to an odd paranoia.

The time away from Gravity Falls had been horrible for Dipper, but he was glad that it was over with atleast. But now, feeling safe, all he wanted to do was sleep.

He rested his head against the bus window, and closed his eyes. He thought for a few minutes, before eventually falling asleep.

As they entered the weirdness barrier, Dipper subconsciously felt something stir in him as he entered his mindscape...


Dipper opened his eyes blearily, before confusion immediately hit him at the trees around him. He was just in a bus, wasn't he?

But then, everything started to turn grey...


"Well, well well well well!"

Dipper sprung up, staring around feverently. His heart raced in his chest - he hadn't been in his mindscape for so long..

He hoped this was just a nightmare.

Bill appeared Infront of him, and Dipper felt his stomach do a flip as he backed away his eyes wide.

"Y-You're not real.." Dipper picked up a stick from the ground, despite knowing it wouldn't do anything. He held it out threateningly.

The stick was snapped in half, Bill laughing. "I'm a being of pure power with no weakness kid, you think a twig will stop me?" He cackled.

Dipper's stomach twisted uncomfortably. "What do you want! Come on, wake up, wake up -" Dipper pinched himself.

Bill laughed. "I'm here to tell you that big things are coming, Pinetree! I'm not dead, I never was.. I'll always be there! I'm a part of you now! HAHAHAH-"

Dipper gasped, before waking up in a fit of panted breaths.

"Dipper! Dipper? We're here- are you okay?" Mabel was shaking him.

"H-huh?" Dipper stuttered, before looking out the window and seeing the bus stop.

"Dipper, are you okay?" Mabel said again.

"Yeah." Dipper shook off the remainder of his fear, despite the uncomfortable sensation in his belly of nerves.

He would be fine.


Dipper was back in the shack, and scared to sleep.

He knew that it was probably just a dream. He had an amazing day with Ford today and even helped him with one of his experiments, but now that it was night, he couldn't help but feel paranoid.

His sister was fast asleep across from him, without a worry in the world. He wondered what if felt like to be like that- he knew his sister wasn't innocent, but it felt like her life was so much easier then his.

He wished he was his sister, he thought, envious.

But he couldn't blame her. He also knew that she had been through a lot as well, it just didn't affect her as much, it seemed.

Dipper sighed as he stared at the ceiling.

What if Bill really was back? What if he was going to be in danger all over again? What if weirdmageddon happened again..

Dipper shivered, feeling his heart sink down to his stomach.

He couldn't help but be afraid to sleep.


Dipper jumped, hearing the bark of Bill's voice. His heart beat faster in his chest, as his eyes widened. He sat up, gulping.



There was no response.

Dipper felt his heart rate slow. He was terrified still, and his stomach felt all twisted in knots, but now he just assumed he had somehow hallucinated his voice.

He gulped.

He wanted to wake up his sister, tell her what was happening inside his brain, but he knew that was a stupid idea. Either it would freak her out or she would call Dipper crazy- probably.

He brought out his journal, a baby blue one. Maybe writing would help...

He opened to a new page; the other pages were just recaps of what happened in gravity falls, and a couple pages were about the few anomalies he'd found in Piedmont.

He took out a pen, and began writing.

Journal entry; (date)

I think Bill Cipher might be back.

Either I'm just going crazy, or he really is. I had a dream in my mindscape with him.. he said he was a part of me. I've had dreams about him before, but this one seemed far too familiar to before. Not to mention, I heard his voice just a second ago In my brain. I'm praying that it's just a hallucination of some kind.

Atleast I'm back in Gravity Falls, where most of the people understand. Back on Piedmont, it was horrible, it was like everything and everyone was a stranger.

But maybe things will be better this summer. I hope Bill isn't back. I can't confide in anyone because I'll be called crazy...

(Journal entry end)

Dipper finished the entry, sighing. He did feel better now, getting his feelings onto paper always did help.

Maybe it would be better to just stay up for the rest of the night. To ease his paranoia.

A/N; welcome to this book! It might be a little triggering to some, so I'll put warnings at each chapter start. I'm currently working on this book and my other book bewitched, so those will both be updated!

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