Chapter 7

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King Gristle was in a store looking for a bib for Trollstice, Bridget was outside waiting for the signal to go in and all the trolls were hiding in the fake hair they made for her. Poppy, however...there was a lot going on in her head, and it wasn't cupcakes and rainbows. She sat down as another dizzy spell began to overwhelm her. Branch immediately helped her back to her feet the moment he saw her.

Branch: Poppy, what's wrong?

Poppy:'s just...I got a little freaked out, I...I think I have Bergenphobia...

Well that got Branch's attention, he was the only other troll that knew about what happened when he and Poppy were kids. He could only imagine what she was feeling right now. Sure, she appeared to make a few exceptions as of right now, but that day she was captured...that must've been legitimately horrifying. In front of the other trolls, he was definitely hiding his feelings, but he didn't have to hide the fact that he cares. Poppy sat down bringing her knees to her chest and folding her arms on top of them. He didn't show it, but Branch hated to see Poppy like this; closed up and silent. He placed a hand on Poppy's shoulder, she looked up at him before resting her head on his chest.

Poppy: Thanks, Branch, you have a way of making me feel better.

He did? He just didn't want to see her get stuck in her trauma again, just one little touch cheered her up? Poppy looked down at her scar and sighed.

Branch: Poppy...

Poppy looked at Branch holding her arm.

Branch: You know you can't hide this forever, you're gonna have to come clean at some point.

Poppy: ...I can't, my father will feel like a failure if I say anything...I lied for a reason, Branch.

Branch: Poppy, which do you think they would prefer? White lies or the truth?

Poppy looked down and hugged herself, was he right? How would all the trolls react if she came clean? Would they be scared? Would they be upset?

Gristle: No, no, no! It's all wrong! I'm the king who's bringing back Trollstice. I need a bib to match.

The trolls were snapped out of their thoughts when they heard Gristle who seemed to be in a bad mood. Poppy started giving cues to Bridget.

Poppy: Go ahead.

Bridget walked in nervously while the king was still shopping.

Gristle: I look like a child in this one! I need something elegant, sophisticated. You know, a man's bib.

Bridget was fascinated seeing the king in person rather than on a magazine cover.

Bridget: Oh, he's so beautiful.

Poppy: And so are you.

Bridget began to panic and started having second thoughts about this date.

Bridget: He'll know that I'm just a scullery maid. No, no, no! I got to get out of here.

Poppy: Bridget, Bridget, I'm right here for you. We all are.

Bridget: You'll tell me what to say, right?

Poppy: Of course I will!

Bridget echoed the words Poppy just said.

Bridget: Of course I will.

Poppy: Just wait for my cue.

Meanwhile, Gristle was still arguing with the salesperson and his guards.

Bibbly: Sire! I believe I have the perfect bib!

Gristle: It better be! Trollstice is tomorrow night. I mean, I look good. But I have to look great.

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