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A/N: I got this idea from the FGO memorial movie, god that was beautiful. I made this fic with the idea of giving EMIYA a somewhat peaceful life.

This is just a fic with interconnected oneshots, lore inaccuracies were done for entertainment.

Now, let's start.

In a world of blades, there sits a broken man cursed to eternally bathe in the folly of his own ideals. The eternity he spent in this hell made him bitter, angry, and spiteful, not to someone, but to himself for putting him in this situation. A torment of infinity, a cycle never-ending.

But what if, there was a spark of hope. What if he could escape this hell in one way or another?

Suddenly the gears that litter the skyline of his world stopped turning. He looked at the sky and heard a buzzing sound.


A blue glass-like screen appeared in front of him.

"ALAYA?" He asked.

Words appeared at the screen.

"Affirmative." It spoke in a feminine robotic tone. It was ALAYA, the unconscious will of humanity. Also known as part of the counter force. EMIYA's employer.




Two minutes later, ALAYA still didn't respond, it was bizarre to say the least.

"What is it?" EMIYA spoke in an irritated tone. "You usually don't take a few seconds to relay a mission briefing."

"Ahem!" Did it just... clear its throat? Weird.

"Counter Guardian EMIYA. I have noticed the severe decline in your morale. Thus, I am here to discuss your retirement..." ALAYA spoke.

"Pfft!" EMIYA snorted. "HAHAHAHAHA!" He touched his head as he laughed bitterly. "I'll give you that one, that made me laugh. Did you finally learn how to do jokes?" He asked in a sarcastic tone.



"Negative. Humor is irrelevant to the safety of humanity, I have no need of learning it."

This made Emiya pause... "What?" He raised his brow.

"I am here to discuss you retirement. Are you willing to listen?"

"Do I really have a choice?" He said as he sat down in the dirt of his bladeworks.

"Affirmative." It answered. Usually it just continues to talk.

Emiya had enough. "Okay, this is getting too weird. Tell me, what the hell happened!?"

"Counter Guardian EMIYA's morale has severely decreased over the span of 6000 to 8000 years. This compromises his mission efficiency, especially the stealth missions. The main body would affect the copies' morale and decrease the success rate from 97.86% to an all time low of 56.79% to 40.54%." Alaya explained.

Emiya contemplated Alaya's explanation. When he thought about it... Yes, he does fail missions more frequently. But that does not explain such measures such as forced retirement, surely Alaya would have just erased him at some point.

But wait, if there's one person that would come up with such silly solution, it's- "Zelretch? Did he set you up for this?"

The glass screen turned red . "Negative, I have ceased contact with the Kaleidoscope after "The Incident".

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