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"Gigi, you don't wanna see that." Tom sniffles pulling on my arm.

We were at the morgue in the hospital.

"I told you, i'm not leaving until I see her." I turn my glistening eyes to match his. "Gia if you see her like that you're never gonna get over it."

"I'm never gonna get over it either way, we were supposed to be taking care of her Tom. What does this say about us? As parents?" If we weren't able to take care of practically an adult, how would we raise two little girls?

"It wasn't your fault, it was a drunk driver." Tom reassures. "We should've drove her there, when she asked to take the car, we should've offered." I say.

"You couldn't have known, please don't do this to yourself Gia, don't." Tom pulls on my arm, I yank him off, going into the morgue.

The autopsy guy was standing in front of a pulled out body, she was covered by a big tarp. "Show me her." My voice cracked a little.

He lifts the tarp off, revealing Aliyah. It was her, and she wasn't herself. You wouldn't even be able to recognize her face if you didn't know her like that.

I heard the door open, I just stared at her. How could we have let this happen? I should've been the one to drive her there, I was irresponsible.

"Gia, let's go please." Tom pulls on my arm, not looking at her. I don't respond, standing there with my bag clutched as I stared.

"I have to tell her mom, I have to call her mom and tell her that her daughter is dead." I nod slowly, biting my bottom lip. "I'll call her don't worry." Tom replies.

"It should be me." I say simply, before walking out and going back to the car.



"Gia, please just talk to me." I hold her waist as she stands over the stove, making some soup.

I knew Aliyah meant a lot to her, she may have been annoying. A lot of the time, but she meant something to all of us. I didn't think this would happen.

It was so unexpected.

Gia turns the soup on low, walking right past me. Still not saying a single word.

"Watch the soup for me, i'm gonna take a nap." She clears her throat, walking into our bedroom closing the light and shutting the door. I turn the soup off, getting my keys and leaving. I wanted a couple things from the store.

I go to my car, getting in I shut the door. "Put keys in and drive." I felt a gun, pressed against my temple.

I fumble with my pockets, getting my keys out. How did she get into my car, fuck, fuck. "What do you want from me Svet." I say, putting my keys in.

"I have business trip, I need for you to come with me and act as husband." She says, in a strong Russian accent. "No, I have a wife." I reply plainly.

She digs her gun deeper into my temple. "I heard you have eh, babies on the way." Svet smirks. "Don't touch my babies or Gia." I threaten.

"Come with me to event, or I kill babies and wife." She laughs. "Can I tell Gia?" I ask. "No, she stay home." Svet answers back. "Then i'm not going." I shook my head.

"I already got Ivan to kill that Aliyah of yours, as warning. If you don't come, i'll have him do the same to Gia and babies."

"I'll kill you myself, don't touch them." I snarl, she puts her phone in my face, revealing a man inside of my fucking house. He started to walk around everywhere.

He walked into Gia and I's bedroom, stroking her hair gently as she slept. "Don't touch her please." I turn my head to face Svet.

"Ivan will take her if you don't leave with me, right now. Don't tell Gia, no one." She explains. "Fine." I lick my bottom lip. "Okay busy boy, drive we have long road trip ahead of us." She points to the road with her gun.



"Tom?" I look around, he must've been in the living room. I put on my slippers, going outside of our room. "Tom?" I say again, he wasn't here.

I see that his car keys were gone, I pull out my phone dialing in his number. Straight to voicemail. I call his number repeatedly, every time it would go into voicemail. Where was he?

"Baby!?" I yell, going into every room.

A/N- shorter chap then usual, but im literally about to fall asleep again AND I WANTED TO GET THIS OUT SO IM SORRY THIS WAS HALF ASSED AND VERY SHORT. if you see a kiss list chapter up within a little bit then i probably woke up again.

My sleep schedule is so messed up.

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