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𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡. 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

Standing at my locker putting away some of my books for the day, I reached behind me to grab my phone out of the small zipper compartment. My locker door suddenly slammed shut by Scott, his face red with anger.

"Your little devil of a boyfriend chased me around last night just to scare me."

"Are you sure that's what his intentions were?"

"Yes! He said it was part of my practice against the alpha."

"Well you do have to be more careful."

"Kat! Come on!" He whined.

"You heard about Stiles dad, right? You were there Stiles said," Scott nodded his head, "he's really pissed you didn't call, he thinks it's your fault."

"I couldn't call! Derek broke my phone!"

"He broke your phone?" Okay, maybe that was bad.

"He threw it against a wall."

"Okay I can't account for that, but, how about I talk to Stiles to make it up?"

"You think talking to Stiles will make up for Derek breaking my phone? I still have 2 more months on my plan."

"Fine, I won't talk to Stiles, deal with him yourself." I turned to walk away.

"Wait! Fine. Please talk to him, I feel really bad. Did I mention how the Alpha chased me from Allison's last night? It made me run into my car and drew a spiral on the windshield. And if you're wondering what the spiral means, I don't know, Derek won't tell me."

"Aren't you supposed to not be seeing Allison?" Scott looked at me, wondering how I knew, "Derek wants me to keep an eye on you." Scott rolled his eyes.

"Can you find Stiles?"

"Okay, okay, I'll go find him." I sighed, walking away from my locker in search of Stiles. The proceeding few days after the parent teacher conferences, the topics of Lydia and Jackson being attacked had miraculously dropped and replaced with gossip about Chris Argent killing the mountain lion. Lydia and Jackson were back at school, acting selfish, uncaring selves—a.k.a they were back to normal. Stiles had informed me that he found a video on Lydia's phone that showed the alpha, but he was stupid enough to delete it. He visited her the other day and the pills she was on made her think that every animal she saw was a mountain lion, unless that's what the police told her to say. We dropped the topic, the thought of Lydia making me hot with anger. Finally, after scouring the school high and low, Stiles came into my vision, nonchalantly talking with Danny.

𝗦𝗠𝗢𝗢𝗧𝗛 𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟, d. haleWhere stories live. Discover now