Chapter.1 <3

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You know how there's always that one kid who isn't that popular,in fact didn't really have any friends let alone one,you know that kid who's a social out cast because they got bullied for their appearances,yeah that kids me.
My names Alissa, or a.k.a fatty mc fat ass,well that's what the kids at my school would call me.I went from living in Florida with my mom to living with my dad in Australia ,and that's when I meet my Bestfriend , Jason.But now I have to go back to live with my mom which sucks for two reasons-
1. I have to leave Jason
2.i have to go back to where my life was a living hell and where I hate almost everyone there .
Tomorrows the first day back from summer break which means we have school , and the last time I've been here was a year ago.As soon as I get their I attempt to unpack my things, but key word attempt , the farthest I go to unpacking is my bending stuff,tooth brush&tooth paste,and outfit for tomorrow with a pair of shoes, and pj's. Im so warn out from the long airplane ride that I just decide to take a shower and go to sleep.
Somehow I end up in a big beautiful place, an all I can see is a few trees,some hills,and I can feel the soft green grass tickling the bottom of my feet.I turn around and I see this extremely gorgeous sun set.I take a deep breath, and want this moment to last forever.I feel like I can do anything in the world ,I feel like I can be myself, but most of all I feel like I'm free..But like they say all good things must come to an end.The next thing I know is my moms yelling at me .
"Alissa!...if you don't wake up then I'll poor a bucket of ice cold water on you!" God why does she have to be so evil! she just made me wake up from an amazing dream , I wanna go back to where I was, where everything was so peaceful, but noo. "I don't wanna!" I tell back smothering my face into my pillow and grown. "Alissa I mean it!" my moms trying to act likes she serious , but everyone knows she can't, I don't even have to look at her to see that she has her hand on her hip trying not to smile.My moms awesome like that, she can never be serious, jee I wonder where I get that from?"I'm up I'm up!" I say as I get my big happy butt off of my bed. I grab my cloths and walk into the bathroom to change.The old me would be wearing baggy clothes and would let people walk allover me,but not the new me nope.And it's all thanks to Jason ,god I love that boy.Jason's the one who talked some sense into me, he told me that I'm to good to let anyone walk over me,that if they have a problem with the way I look then they can die in a hole! he would always tell me that no matter what I'll always be beautiful, he was the one who would always make my day,I'm so grateful that I have him in my life, or well I should say did, but I mean we text a lot,but I still miss him. after he told me that I decided to lose a lot of weight and I got a new look, I went from having brow hair to having a dark like red hair. which complements my extremely like gold brown eyes.My outfit for today consisted of a pair of jean short shorts,over a pair of black leggings,a galaxy floral print short sleeved shirt with the infinity sign on the front of the shirt, and a pair of fashionable pair of war boots, to compleat the look I put my hair into a messy bun, and did my makeup , you know the basics, mascara,eye liner and brow eye shadow. when I was satisfied with my makeup I brushed my teeth and run down stairs,almost falling on my way down."come on mom lets go!"i say while grabbing my back bag and a pop-tart."I'm coming just hold on a sec!" she yells back while looking for her keys.My mom hasn't changed a bit."kay" I say while walking out of the house and into the car. she finally found the keys and she dropped me off at school. we say our good byes and I walk into school with eyes following me as I walked, and now everyone's talking about me. great just great! and girls are giving me evil looks, oh ain't that just wonderful ? I drop my stuff off at my locker and grabbed a binder and writing utensils and headed for my home base, but I stop when I see 'him!' him is a.k.a Ryan Bishop, the schools player and bad boy. Every girl in madly in love with him , but I don't know why.I hate that boy so much!he talking to Brianna , the cheerleading captain.Oh and if you didn't know Ryan is a snobby rich boy who gets anyone and anything he wants , he's the reason why I even got bullied.After he sucks the living life out of Brianna,they say bye and he walks into a classroom while she walks down the hall to hers. I look for my home base and walk in, I take a seat in the back of the class. And when I thought today couldn't get any wore I look over to my right and guess who just traded seats with his best friend Zander , Ryan that's who! ugh! and now he's staring at me. Does he have a staring problem or something? "can I help you!?" I say not looking at him."No but I can help you" he says with a mischievous grin. "excuse me!" I say looking at him threw gridded teeth. "I can help you in bed" he say winking at me . Wtf! I swear he's so freaking lucky that the teachers in this room or I would beat him in the face with my binder, to where he won't be a pretty boy anymore. " Your a mentally unstable egotistical freak!" I say looking him in the eye. He looks clueless, as if he doesn't know who I am. "that's something that Lissa says but your not her" he says looking at me ."are you that retarded that you can't even remember me? wow that's sad" I say smirking ."nope! can't be her your to hot and she's ugly" are you serious he thinks I'm hot? that's disgusting, just no! ewwww!"well I am Alissa and do you really spend time coming up with new ways to hit on girls?! And you think that I'll fall head over hills just cuz you called me hot? well think again! honestly I don't know what girls even see in you other than your looks cuz your a fucking animal, and by the way you so need to work and your flirting skills cuz there just as bad as your true black heart .... and you shouldn't be trying to flirt with girls when you have a girlfriend that very low !" I say looking down at my paper that I started drawling on. " If you are really my Lissa then tell me one thing that only her would know .... and I don't see no problem with flirting with girls, I mean if I see something I want I just can't help myself ... I mean you can't blame me , and how did you know that I have a girlfriend ?" he says . There he goes he still as cocky as I remember. " ok then in third grade you came to my house for my birthday party even tho I told you not to come and you hid in my room until it was so dark that you can barely see and you scared me so bad that I literally almost had a heart attack and in first grade you said that I was okay looking for a fat girl and your a selfish pig! oh and before I walked in this classroom I saw you trying to suck the live life out of poor Brianna" I say looking up from my drawling and into his eyes. "So you are my Lissa? but how ? your not a fat ass anymore." wow right here ya know . "well I am so you can stop criticizing me " the bell rung and I ran out of the door so that I wouldn't have to talk to Ryan. I avoided him for the rest of the day , thank god when I got home my mom tells me that where having dinner with our neighbors, as of now I didn't even know that people moved in next door. so I had to get ready,so I took a quick shower and put on a dress, blew dried my hair the curled it, and did my normal makeup and waited for my mom to get ready so we could go, even tho I don't wanna go I have to but hey hopefully the neighbor has kids my age that I can hang out with.

I'll try to update either today or tomorrow
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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