Hell on Earth (1)

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Gotham City, or more accurate term, Hell on Earth. Many of the residents of said hell live on the streets, the more better and well off they live in their fancy manors. Living on their comfortable beds looking down on everyone else. I'm currently battling for my life against one of the greatest enemies, Bane.

Finally, managing to connect a hit to Robin torso, sending me right through the wall where I lay still in pain.

'Oh good lord, how the hell does Bruce take hits from this guy and get back up?' Robin thought 'Hell, how did I remain conscious from that first hit'.

"Hahah, looks like this bird took flight to soon" said Bane, a man wearing a black luchador mask with a black shirt and gloves along with a tank strapped to his back with hoses leading to his head as he quickly turned the dial on his hand making him a giant full of pure muscle. This is the man who broke the back of the Batman and wasn't even on the much venom when he punch me. Robin gulped a bit as he had heard a lot about Bane from Batman, Alfred, Nightwing, and Tim. This guy was one of Batman's most dangerous foes in both mental and physical aspects and in their first fight, Bane broke Batman's back and left him in a dangerous spot in life. The only thing bringing Batman back was magical/physical therapy and his overwhelming willpower. That same man, is about to squash me like a bug, great.

"I have no quarrel with you, little petirrojo ." Bane said, turning to where Batman was already up, having his Batrangs at the ready.

"Bane, what have you been working on with Dent?" Batman question. Batman quickly began to toss his batarangs as Bane ran towards him, jumping out of the way cursing that he was not prepared for Bane, never thinking that Dent would hire Bane for brute force. And Bane was smart enough to not leave his back exposed to Batman to exploit. Robin then landed on Bane's back as he didn't expect for the bird boy to stay.

"Sorry Dorrance," Robin said using Bane's first name. "You and your amigos might ditch each other," as I pull out a batarang.

"But I'm not one to leave my partner behind." He had a Birdarang about to cut the tubes if Bane didn't quickly reach back quicker than he expected and snagged Robin by the cloak, throwing him across the room as he winced.

'Venom makes him faster, noted.' as Robin grunts in pain. "Second, fuck capes!"

While the shotgun shell didn't penetrate this body armor, the force of Bane's throw certainly pushed his armor, and bones, to the limit. Finally, Batman put on brass knuckles, or bat knuckles, and started running at Bane, punching the man in the jaw. To Bane's credit, he didn't even flinch as then he went to punch Batman only for the vigilante to duck and punch Bane in the side, subtly reaching for the tube, but Bane kneed him in the chest, the force sending Batman upwards. Right as Bane was about to punch Batman as he was falling down, Robin threw smoke pellets, the smoke making him back up while Cap crusader landed on the floor with a thud, getting up a second later.

"So what's the plan, boss?" Robin asked his boss, as nothing they tried seemed to be affecting Bane at all.

"Bane has somehow upgraded his venom formula. Distract Bane, cut his line." Batman answers as Bane gives a yell and runs at them. "Move!" Batman and Robin quickly moved in as a unit with Robin taking the lead, Robin jumped in and kicked in the back of Bane's knee only to frown as it didn't give in, but he had only seconds to duck when Bane focused on him and swung. Gaining an idea, a very stupid idea, Robin let out a mocking laugh.

"Come on walking steroids, you really can't hit a little old me?" He asked, making sure his attention was kept solely on him so Batman could go in to cut off his Venom supply. Bane however smirked. 

"Nice try Petirrojo," He said, not exposing his back to Batman as he broke off a piece of the column to chuck at the helmeted vigilante, making him dive out of the way, rolling to his feet."But Bane is no fool. I know your tricks and you plans" 

It was basically a game of keep-away with how durable and strong the man was, before Robin realized the man was also being tactical as he was nearly maneuvered to the wall. We need a way to catch Bane off guard, 'Aww man' I thought in my head. Robin makes a mistake, Bane takes this chance to hit Robin, sending him flying. As he laid there, Bane seemed to think he was out and turned his attention to Batman who looked enraged, as the rivals stared at each other down. Seeing his back exposed to the boy wonder, Robin gritted his teeth as he ignored the pain and got up, pulling a batarang out as the man kept his attention on Batman. Finally, Robin jumped on his back again and jammed a Birdarang into his tank, pulling downwards to carve an opening with the Venom spilling out. Bane growled and moved back, slamming into the wall, forcing Robin to let go before the man grabbed him by the head.

"Just because you took out my tank doesn't take me out of the fight, Chico (Boy).

"Put. Him. Down. Bane." Batman warned dangerously. With inhuman reflexes, Bane knocked the grapple gun out of Batman's hands and spun around, slamming Robin into him letting the boy go as both vigilantes were sent flying across the floor.

"I still have enough flowing through my veins to finish you both off." Bane mentioned. Robin smirked despite the pain. 

"First, gay" Robin stated, with Bane giving dangerous glare while Batman stayed neutral, but i think he sighed. "Second, thanks for getting us to safety, Lucha libre." He commented much to Bane's confusion as the boy pressed a button on his gauntlet.

A beeping noise reminded Bane of the batarang in his tank right as it exploded, the force making the floor come out from underneath him as he fell through two floors, landing on the ground with a sickening thud. Batman glared at Robin.

"Okay I didn't think it would be that bad, sorry." Robin winced as both he and Batman pushed themselves up to look down the hole, seeing Bane lay unmoving on the ground floor. A quick check with Detective Vision showed the man was still alive but had many broken bones from the fall alone. 

"If it wasn't for the Venom in his veins, he wouldn't have survived," Batman stated before giving Robin a glare. "That was too close, you could have killed him. One wrong move and you wouldn't be any better than the scum we deal with" Robin looked down in shame. Batman then sighs,

"But besides that, good work". Robin's face lit up, "I'm contacting Oracle to signal for the police to come pick up Bane."

"In the meantime head back to the cave and have yourself checked up while I'll pursue Two-Face, understand." Batman stated, 

"Yes sir" Robin complied

"You will also get a report on your mistakes you made today, including your insults", as Batman headed back to the warehouse to look for clues as to where Two-Face went while he and Robin fought Bane. 

If you still can't tell, I'm Robin, The boy wonder. I was chosen to take the mantle after the third one had to retire due to his dad. It sucked what happened to Tim, but I can't stop being happy that I'm Robin. I then pulled out a Grapple Gun and shot it towards the roof tops, being zip towards the roof then releasing as I glided through the air. As free as a bird can be. I was Sixteen when Batman gave me the job. I'm currently about to turn 17 in two months. I was trained for a total of 9 months before he let me out in the world as his partner. For most Batman's sidekicks, you have to have at least a year of training, but I was a special case. Tim nominated me because I had great memory and combat experience, Alfred saw that I was gifted but also had greatness and goodness in my heart, but Bruce chose me because he saw my determination to be the best would push me to accomplish what took other years, but he also saw how he sees Gotham in my eyes. My Name is Erik, Erik "Ace" Barlows, and this is my story on how I flew to close to heaven and ended up falling to hell.  This is how I, a Robin, became an anti-hero and criminally called, Cross-X.   

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