The Eldest Son

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After the defeat of Piccolo Jr., Goku and Chi-Chi have a son, who after some debate, was named Y/n which was chosen by Chichi.

Though Y/n was encouraged by his mother at a young age to pursue a career, such as a scholar, the young boy was always drawn to his father, always trying to imitate his martial arts. After some time, Chi-Chi came to accept that Y/n just wasn't into studying, so she relents and let's Goku train him. When Y/n was six, Goku and Chi-Chi had his younger brother, Gohan. Gohan, unlike Y/n, would actually listen to his mother's studies.

Now, Y/n is a ten year old boy and Gohan is four, and today was the day that Goku would have a reunion with his friends at Kame House.

Chi-Chi: Goku! Y/n! Gohan!

She yells out of the front door and she sighs before she perks up when seeing Goku, who was carrying a large tree to be used as firewood.

Chi-Chi: Oh, Goku! There you are! Have you seen the boys?

Goku: Hm? Oh, no, not since earlier. I thought they were with you, Chi.

He sits the tree down and smiles at Chi-Chi.

Chi-Chi: Can you go find them Goku?

Goku nods and looks up in the sky and yells out.


A yellow, flying cloud flies down and Goku jumps on it, then takes off searching for Y/n and Gohan.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the woods, Y/n and Gohan were playing around when Gohan slips and trips over the side of a cliff, but before Y/n can react, Gohan plummets down.


In a blur of yellow, the Flying Nimbus and Goku descend and Goku catches Gohan. They then float up to Y/n, who sighs in relief.

Y/n: S-sorry Dad, I should have been more careful with Gohan... He would have fell and got hurt if you didn't show up.

Goku just smiles and chuckles, shaking his head, then sits Gohan down beside Y/n.

Goku: You're fine, son. That's what I'm here for anyways, you two boys are the things I love most, I would never fault you for relying on me. And one day, you should do the same thing for your children. You're a good kid Y/n, I'm proud of you. Besides, you rushed to help Gohan as fast as you could. You're also a good big brother.

He ruffles the older boy's hair and pats Gohan's head.

Goku: You gotta be more careful too Gohan, you almost gave me a heart attack, hehe!

Gohan sniffles and wipes some tears off his face.

Gohan: I-I'm sorry Dad.

Goku: It's okay kiddo, no harm, no foul. Now then, it's the day of my reunion with my old friends at Kame House, and you boys can go too! I asked your mother.

With that, Gohan and Y/n mount the Flying Nimbus with their father and they set off for Kame House.

While the father and son trio head out for Kame House, a pod from space comes hurtling towards the ground before landing, making a crater where it landed. And a man wearing armor with long dark hair and an accessory on his face steps out of the pod, seemingly annoyed.

???: This planet is teeming with life... Tch! Kakarot, why haven't you carried out your mission?!

He taps the accessory on his face and a bunch of alien symbols appear in front of him, calculating before locking onto a nearby power level and beeping.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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