Out of Breath

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"I.. I can't do it." After hours of vigorous training in the woods, Second sat down on the stump of an old oak tree. He was exhausted. Him and Chosen had been training all day with no progress. It was beginning to feel hopeless.
The sun had set, causing the sky to fade into a soft pink and blue. They couldn't see the sun behind the trees at this time, so it was pretty dark. Chosen let's out a deep sigh.
"You can. It just takes some work."
"B-but it's not fair! Why can't I hang out with them?" Second desperately exclaimed, motioning toward his friends in the distance. Red, Blue, Green and Yellow were all laughing, and chatting as they happily told stories to each other around a campfire.
"Because you're different."

"Give the kid a break." The Dark Lord spoke, still restrained by special handcuffs tightly fastened around his wrists. He had been sitting against a tree, watching the two this entire time. "You're exhausting him."
"You're the one talking." Chosen retorted, obviously not in the mood to talk to his ex-best friend.
"I'm not the one aimlessly abusing him! Besides, I could actually help." Dark suggested, acting nonchalant but of course Chosen wouldn't trust him so easily.
"Tch, no." He denied with a scowl, and silence fell over the three for a few moments.

Suddenly, Second broke down. His sobbing could be heard, as he covered his face. 
"..." Chosen was hesitant to speak. Dark shook his head disapprovingly. 

"H..hh.. I'm so.. tired." Chosen reached towards his companion to comfort him, but Second flinched away. Chosen pulls his hand away, concerned. He didn't realize how far he pushed Second until now.
"Look what you did, Chosen. You made the kid cry." Dark sneered.
Chosen immediately became defensive.
"Shut up! ..You aren't any better than me."
"Oh, but I am."
"And how's that?" He asked, with an overly passive aggressive tone. Chosen was becoming more livid by the second, he couldn't help it.
"Don't you see yourself? You've tortured this innocent kid." Dark said, and Chosen glanced over to Second, who was still weeping. Chosen's heart sunk. He didn't want this to happen. He didn't know what to say, or do. Chosen only shook his head, and stormed off. Dark smirked.
It was close to silent, now. The only background noise was the distant chatting, rustling leaves, and of course Second's shameful sobs. Even The Dark Lord was a little hesitant.

"Sorry about Chosen." 
"Wh...w-what?" Second uncovers his face.
"He means well, he just doesn't know what he's doing." Dark doesn't quite sound genuine, but he was never good at that.
"What's the use of t-this, a-anyway?!"
"He's trying to unlock some of your powers or something, most hollow-heads have 'em." Dark knew that was only partially true.
"Why is it t-this hard..?"
"You aren't doing it quite right, y'know. Coming from a professional hollow-head here, that is certainly not how to unlock superpowers."
"No, please. I don't want to do any more training." Second sounded desperate.
"Don't worry, Sec. Rest right now, we'll work on it another time."

The tired figure weakly stood up, stumbling towards his friends. Second staggered, but managed to make it and sit next to Green.
"Oh hey Orange! How'd it go?" She cheerfully questioned.
"G-..." Orange barely managed to get a sound out of his mouth before slipping into unconsciousness. He leaned against Green.

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