tonight, i'll take you away.

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Maybe it's good Hana never got together with Dohwi two years ago when they were still in high school.

Yes, it's good so that now it won't be awkward between them whenever they get to talk to each other.

However, something is still bothering her, and she doesn't know what.

Hana can't tell whether its because she rejected Dohwi and said they could be just friends instead, or maybe its the other reason that's been bugging her since she reunited with him again.

Whenever the counters ate together that one day, she kept looking back at So Mun, only for her to see he was mostly unbothered about her and Dohwi.. In fact, he kept making jokes and even said they were "family", which kind of made her upset at him.

After everything they've done together, So Mun tells Dohwi they're like "family"?

Whatever happened to the massive crush he used to have on her whenever he became a counter? Did it just disappear over time because he thought she would never like him back? Or is it because he thought he no longer had a chance with her because of Dohwi?

God, She hoped not.


It pissed him off.

That meal. Dohwi saying all those lovey-dovey stuff about Hana. Jeokbong acting jealous. All of it.

So Mun had to witness the most painful thing he could imagine; His crush introducing another guy to him.

At first, whenever he got the call from Ungmin, he wanted to find out who he was and what was he doing but he didn't want to make Hana upset at him. After all, she wouldn't be too happy with him finding out who was the guy she was hanging out with.

It bothered him, but he wanted to forget about it, so he did.

Until the day Dowhi barged in while they were dealing with evil spirits. So Mun was in the corner, with Hana being on the other end of the table. He shot her a smile once or twice, but she just gave him annoyed looks instead. He didn't show it, but he was kind of saddened because of that.

He kept clenching his fists and faking his smile, which he didn't bother hiding. He doesn't even think she noticed how jealous he was.

Then afterward, he had to act like he was teasing her once again and left Hana and Dohwi alone doing god knows what by themselves.

He wasn't worried for their safety because they were both adults, but you never knew what two childhood lovers could do together.

He sat at the kitchen table all night waiting for her to come back before he went to sleep and she came back at around three in the morning.

It turns out he actually fell asleep and Hana brought him to his bed when she returned. He punched himself the next morning, not being able to believe he let himself miss an opportunity like that.

What he hates the most though, is the fact that he can't get over her no matter what he does. Two years and he can't get rid of his crush, huh? That sucks.

So he'll just be in the shadows, watching them together while he's still in love with her.


Hana finishes cleaning up the table when she hears So Mun returning to the hideout. His steps are quiet as if he didn't want to disturb anyone. "So Mun?"

When he walks in, he tries to avoid facing her. "Hey Noona," He says as he unzips his jacket, revealing the plain shirt he's wearing underneath. His back is turned to her, and she notices his broad shoulders.

Tonight, we finally (finally), come get me, take on me, over meWhere stories live. Discover now