Spark of existence Part 8

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A/N This chapter introduces a past event that my be difficult for some, but hopes to give a new possibility. I have no intention to hurt, pain or distress anyone reading my story.

Jo was still sleeping. Jo hadn't woken properly for three days. They had to move them back to the hospital, but timing was vital. They couldn't monitor everything in the ambulance. A special taxi couldn't be used now. Jo was too ill and the ambulance would allow a bed and some monitoring to take place. The discussions and nursing team meetings were urgent, serious and multiple. All through this time mum sat by holding Jo's hand and stroking their forehead and using a cool cloth to wipe the perspiration away.

The machines showed that the radiation was moving slowly through their body. The imaging showed it clearly. The radiation would reduce over time naturally but was supposed to have been passed through with a vastly reduced amount. The level of radiation had reduced over the three days to what was deemed a safe level for others. Moving Jo could happen that afternoon.

The extra imaging they ran to monitor and check showed unexpected signs that had led to the senior team being called in. They were confused and surprised. It wasn't unknown but the radiation seemed to have promoted changes that had not been seen before. Presumptions were questioned and tests run. Was it possible? Which way should things progress?

Jo was dreaming of a glowing past with comforting sounds and warmth. Floating and merging with them. They sensed that they couldn't both be there.  For some reason they couldn't both 'be'. They sensed that they needed each other and merged together. Two became one and they not only existed as one, but still had an awareness of each side. The differences unknown, but the similarities and need to both be one. Unseen and no one would comprehend this presence and how the miracle of two together forever.

The dream had been a recurring comfort for Jo. They just knew they had this extra comfort and support that was them, while also another side that was unique, but just natural for them. They didn't know this wasn't the same for all. The sense of loss when what was left behind after they joined departed was still a deep pain, but the other thoughts, feelings and inner voice reminded them that they would never be apart now, this was the only way.

The energy from the radiation that had been sent through them had energised this. It had delivered a spark to their very being that would only develop and evolve from now on. The future is unknown, but this changed them forever and made it a two way road of exploration and discovery as they had to allow both to understand how they saw things and experienced things from each perspective that is so different, yet comes from one.

The move was handled smoothly. They were put into a private side room again with many machines, wires and monitors humming and beeping away. Mum seemed to have never left their side. Jo slept through as a mild sedative was used to make sure they slept through the move. They slept on for four more days.

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