Help Me

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Sweat covered my brow as my breath came out in labored pants, my hands fumbled with my phone as I frantically tried to unlock it. A curse slipping from my lips as a shiver ran up my spine causing me to nearly drop the device.

"No. No. Oh God, please tell me it's not true." I prayed under my shaky breath, looking for my Heat App.

Just like a period app, it helped keep track of omegas heat cycles and reminded them when to take their suppressants. Unlike normal Omegas, my heat cycle comes once a year, so it was easy to forget to plan my week out accordingly. I would usually take the week off to lock myself up in my apartment and ride it out until it's over. It was always so intense even with the suppressants, but the doctor warned against increasing my dosage, saying it could affect my body in the long run.

Right now I wished for anything, but this burning sensation I felt in my lower body. The need to release and be satisfied increased as I frantically swiped at the screen.

"Fuck!" I cried out, tears pricking my eyes as I saw a few days blocked out in red, letting me know I indeed started my heat today. I woke up feeling funny this morning, thinking it was just the usual cold that came with the change of seasons, but this was way worse. At this point I would rather have the flu, anything than this emptiness and need to be filled.

A sob tore through my lips as a wave of intense warmth washed over me, knees giving out causing me to collapse in the bathroom stall. I ran to the bathroom the moment I felt my stomach fill with butterflies and body become hot, ditching my usual lunch with the other UA teachers in the cafe. Thankfully, there were lingering suppressants already in my system. I hoped, more like praying, no Alpha could smell me, but even I knew that wouldn't last long. Being a quirkless teacher in a school full of hormonal teenagers and Alpha heros, wasn't the best place for me to be right now.

Taking a shaky breath, I scrolled through my contacts calling the one person I knew could help me. After the first ring, they picked up, my eyes closing shut in thanks.

"Hey, Darling! Where are you? We got your food before the lunch rush got too crazy."

"M-Midnight. I-I need your help." My voice shook with my stuttering words, as I braced through another intense wave.

This was going to be a rough heat.

"What's wrong?" Her voice now serious, as if she sat up straighter listening intently to my words. I explained what I could through uneven breaths, begging her to come get me and take me home. "I knew you smelled differently this morning." Midnight hummed in thought. "Hold on, I'll send Aizawa."

Nodding my head, I leaned my hot forehead against the cool stall door, as she spoke a few words to Aizawa. "It probably wasn't smart of me to call an Alpha to help me huh? Smart of you to send a Beta." I laughed, hearing Midnight chuckle at my comment.

"Aizawa's not a Beta; he's an Alpha. I'm sending him, because he'll get you home the quickest out of all of us and I know you have a thing for him, so maybe this is your chance. Use your Omega pheromones to seduce him." The evil grin was dripping from her tone, laced with hopes of a good story later.

I groaned aloud, tears streaming down my face as another intense heat washed over me causing my body to feel like it was melting. "Midnight! This isn't the time to play matchmaker! I feel like I'm dying!" I yelled through gritted teeth. Hearing my phone beep, I pulled it away to see the man in question calling. "I'll call you back, Aizawa is calling me."

"Let me know when you get home safely!" She sang-song, hanging up as I switched over to pick up the incoming call.

"Hello?" I choked out, hoping I didn't sound as desperate as I felt.

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