🚨Lockdown Part 2 (Minlix)

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-Top/dom Minho
-Bottom/sub Felix
-Not proof read
-2323 words


Felix pov

It had been a few months since the whole school shooting ordeal. Everyone was still a little on edge, some parents even went so far as to transfer their kids to other schools.

But Felix was still here, and he couldn't be happier. Ever since that time in the bathroom Minho has been almost non stop pestering him. He says he hates it but let's be for real, he loves it.

Minho would only ever talk to him when they were alone though, they couldn't risk people finding out about their little thing they had going on. They had agreed not to tell anyone for now.

Felix was currently in class again, bored as usual. He was a good student though, he got good grades and his teachers praised him. He just got bored sometimes, that's all.

So raising his hand he asked "Mrs, can I go to the bathroom." Happily walking out of the class when the teacher said yes.

He walked past a few classrooms on his way to the bathroom, pitying all the students with bored looks on their faces.

He pushed open the bathroom door, feeling happy that no one was in there. He slumped to the floor pulling his phone out, seeing he had a text.

Minho <3

Minho <3: Saw you out of class, I'll be there in 5

Felix laughed, "he's observant isn't he?"

"Only when it comes to you." Felix's head snapped up, being meet with a smiling Minho.

"It's been a while hasn't it?" Minho made his way over to the younger, sitting down next to him.

"It's been a week, dumbass."

"A week to long, " Minho ignored the meaningless insult, gently cupping Felix's face in his hand. He left a small peak on his pink lips. Causing the blond to pout when he pulled away.

"Aren't you just the cutest." Minho cooed. He leaned in, starting to lick and suck at the soft skin of the others jaw.

He got a few quite whimpers in response. "Don't l-leave any marks"

"Don't worry baby. " He stood up, pulling the blond with him. He dragged him into one of the stalls before locking them in.

"This seems familiar doesn't it?" Minho pushed Felix against the wall, quickly attaching their lips. Soft whimpers and moans escaping them.

Felix jumped up wrapping is legs around Minho, trusting him to keep him steady. The olders hands gently squeezed his ass as he nibbled on his ear, "such a good boy."

Felix let out a particularly loud moan, causing the two to panic slightly. Thankfully no one was in the bathroom, not yet anyway.

"Keep it down baby, we can't go bringing attention to us-" Minho paused as he heard the bathroom door swing open.

The pair stayed there in silence, Felix still being supported but Minho's hands. They listened as the boy went into one of the far stalls, thankfully not one close to them.

Minho slowly put the younger down and unlocked the stall before he turned around giving Felix one last peak on the cheek, "my place after school, see you later baby." He whispered before walking away.

Felix just stood there, smiling ear to ear like an idiot.

He made his way back to class, ignoring the teacher as she continued.

Oneshots: Lee Felix // ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now