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A few weeks went by and everything was perfect. 

Derek and Stiles were getting closer and closer each and every day, reconnecting and forgiving themselves and each other for things that belonged in the past already. They talked a lot, spoke about their feelings and communicated in a way that left absolutely no secret behind. They were very open and honest with each other, which seemed to be enough to bring them as close as they used to be. 

It was still weird for the pack to see them together. They had never seen Derek act this way with his past girlfriends -if they could even be called that- and so, as they watched their alphas looking at each other the way they were, eyes filled with love, affection and awe, they couldn't help but be stunned over and over again. 

Noah on the other hand was extremely happy with this development as he could see the change in his son's behaviour. He could see just how happy Derek was making him and frankly that was all that mattered to him. Stiles was his pride and joy even though he could be a bit much to handle at times. But either way, the brunette was his son and there was nothing more important to Noah than his son. 

Noah could see very clearly that these two were meant to be with each other, they belonged by each other's side and there was nothing he could do to separate them even if he wanted to. Derek was taking such good care of Stiles and Noah had nothing to say against anything the alpha was doing. He was, quite surprisingly so, the perfect son-in-law. 

So, Noah was happy. 

Peter was too as he could say quite proudly that he was given his best friend back. Stiles didn't seem to hold any grudges about Peter's past actions against him and the brunette behaved with him as he used to many years ago. Peter was ecstatic about it. He couldn't ask for anything more considering his nephew and his best friend were back together and happier than ever. 

Everything seemed to fall back in its rightful place. 

Just like Peter, Cora felt like she was given her uncle Stiles back. It was a bit awkward at first. Cora wasn't a little girl anymore and so, Stiles didn't know how to behave around her anymore. He didn't know if he should still call her by her nickname or not. He didn't know if she would like it. Stiles felt like he had lost years of watching her grow up and honestly, he felt like a dad. Cora had always held a special place inside his heart so seeing her so grown up like that, when six months ago she was still eleven years old for him. 

It was hard to get used to. 

But after sitting down together and talking about it, they both understood each other and realised that nothing had really changed between them. Stiles was still Cora's precious uncle Stiles and Cora was still Stiles' rosy cheeks. Nothing was different. And so everything was clearer after that and no more awkwardness ruined the moments spent together anymore. 

The pack also took the habit of spending their free time at the loft. It was a great change for them. Stiles was ecstatic to see it happen. He loved to see that they were finally behaving like a true pack, like a true family. And he loved to see it happen. They did a lot of game nights and movie nights. They laughed a lot and talked a lot. They shared small things about their lives and celebrated big events together. 

Today, Stiles spent half of the day feeling like he was missing something. As if he was supposed to do something with the pack but he was unable to understand what. It wasn't until he heard what day today was that he understood. And so, as they were all sitting in the living room, Stiles started scenting Derek. Derek frowned in confusion at that but didn't say anything at first until he realised that Stiles was doing it for a while. 

"What are you doing?" he asked as he pulled away a bit and Stiles smiled softly. 

"I'm scenting you." he replied and went back to it. 

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