so she's the one

303 15 23

Present time

Unknown pov

Blood was shattered all around the room . I didn't know what to do , i want to save him but how .
My whole life was shattering in front of me .

My life wouldn't have any meaning without him. Time is running I need to do something.

I was laying there covered in blood and wasn't able to move ,seeing him fighting for his life .

Every moment of my life was flashing in front of my eyes .

Is this the end ?
His body is becoming lifeless.

No it can't be ..... My eyes were getting closed slowly and it couldn't be i need to save him .

Every memory of my life was coming into my vision the time when this all started I still remember, i remember each and every thing.......

Past time

I was arranging my things in my new room when my roommate entered and

"Here's your coffee yn", saying she handed me the cup of coffee .

"Thanks Emily "

We both sat on the bed
"So yn excited for the first day of University tomorrow",she said as she took a sip.

"Kinda excited and nervous too ", i said as i took a sip too.

Yes I've come to Germany for my master's or further study . Moved here a week ago .
Mom said that I can just stay at the house she had bought here , but i don't wanna feel lonely in that big house so I planned to stay with a roommate.
And here I'm I got a roommate Emily , she's amazing and she got the same major as mine .

So many things happened these past 1 month that the conclusion led me here .

I'm also expecting everything to be normal too , I'm literally tired of the things which were happening from these past months .

I and Emily, we both talked for a while when we started arranging my room again.


"Hey yn ",she said I turned towards her .

"Yeah ?"

"Is this yours ?",she said as she hanged the pendant in her hand taking it out of my bag .

"Y-y-eah ,it's mine ", i said as i remember the person who gave me on my graduation ceremony, a slight smile appeared on my face .

Emily noticed my smile .

"I see , seems like someone special has given you", she said as she come towards me and nudged me .

"Haha , it's nothing, it's just a very good friend of mine has given this to me on my graduation ceremony "

"Than wear it , the look of this pendant is amazing", she said as she tried to lock that pendant around my neck .

"See i told ya it looks really good on you",she said and looked at me with a bright eyes.
We both giggled then went to arrange it as it's almost done .

"Phew ! , It's finally done ", she said as she wiped her invisible sweat on forehead.

I giggled seeing her actions.

Next morning

I woke up with a dizzy head when I saw the alarm clock beside me and boom i fell from my bed seeing the time .

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