七乃德田胡达任 第04集: 元宝闯禁地拿走玉佩

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Yuan Bao Broke Into The Forbidden Area And Took Away The Jade Pendant
~ Chang Yan and Qi Yuan Bao found themselves very close and both felt a bit embarrassed. Accidentally, they entered a secret room. Chang Yan became curious about the treasures inside, while Qi Yuan Bao noticed a listening talisman. She thought that using this talisman might help her learn the truth about her mother's death from her father's mouth. Suddenly, Qi Yuan Bao saw a portrait on the wall, it was her mother's portrait. Qi Yuan Bao missed her mother dearly and couldn't help but approach the painting and touch it.

However, she unintentionally triggered a mechanism, causing numerous hidden arrows to shoot from all directions. Fortunately, Chang Yan reacted quickly and pulled Qi Yuan Bao away. Qi Yuan Bao speculated that something behind the painting might be related to her mother's death. She discovered a treasure hidden behind the portrait and felt that it awakened a part of her lost memories. She told Chang Yan that she saw a masked person, but when she tried to recall the crucial details, she felt intense pain in her chest. Worried about the situation, Chang Yan swiftly took Qi Yuan Bao away.

Just as they exited, they encountered Qi Yuan Bao's father, who noticed the jade pendant in her hand and demanded that she return it. In fact, he had realized someone had entered the secret room and quickly brought others along, but he didn't expect it would be his daughter and Chang Yan. Qi Yuan Bao refused to give the jade pendant to her father and he ordered his men to take her back. After returning home, Qi Yuan Bao had a nightmare in which she witnessed her mother being killed by her father. The fright woke her up. Her father had always wanted to conceal the reason for her mother's death, but Qi Yuan Bao seemed to have uncovered some clues. Qi Yuan Bao still wanted to hear her father's explanation but had yet to receive an answer.

These words happened to be overheard by her father, who had come to deliver medicine to Qi Yuan Bao. Chang Yan, transformed into his fox form, remained by Qi Yuan Bao's side and she could confide her inner thoughts to him, as there were some things she couldn't share with others. Qi Yuan Bao made dumplings for Chang Yan, who had doubts about their taste. Chang Yan could guess that Qi Yuan Bao's cooking probably wouldn't be good, but to avoid hurting his feelings, she ate one. Qi Yuan Bao soon fell asleep and in her sleep, expressed a desire for candied hawthorns. Chang Yan went to the market and specifically bought some for Qi Yuan Bao.

Qi Yuan Bao was awakened by Huo Shu Ya and found that the little fox was nowhere to be seen. Qi Yuan Bao didn't dare to tell anyone about it. When Chang Yan returned with the items she bought, she planned to give them to Qi Yuan Bao but saw her with Huo Shu Ya, so she had to leave. Chang Yan ended up giving the things she bought to her friends. Even though Qi Yuan Bao currently had no spiritual power, there were still people who feared her. Sun Qian Qian noticed that her sister seemed to have developed feelings for Chang Yan.

Holding the treasure from behind her mother's portrait, Qi Yuan Bao wanted to uncover the secrets within it. She realized that she had never seen the little fox and couldn't help but worry. At that moment, she witnessed Chang Yan using magic to immobilize a group of people. Qi Yuan Bao was curious and wanted Chang Yan to teach her. Chang Yan suddenly remembered seeing Qi Yuan Bao with Huo Shu Ya the day before, which made him feel uneasy.

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