七乃德田胡达任 第05集: 元宝为了下山亲吻长岄

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Yuan Bao Kisses Chang Yan in Order To Go Down The Mountain
~ Soon, all the major sects were about to leave the mountain. Huo Shu Ya, before leaving, made a special visit to Qi Yuan Bao. Qi Yuan Bao felt reluctant to see Huo Shu Ya go and all of this was noticed by Chang Yan. Chang Yan had an indescribable feeling in his heart. Later, Huo Shu Ya hugged Qi Yuan Bao, causing Chang Yan to accidentally spill the tea in his hand. Qi Yuan Bao also wanted to leave the mountain so that she could investigate the origin of the jade pendant she held.

When Qi Yuan Bao saw Chang Yan, she thought of seeking his help. Sun Qian Qian noticed that her sister refused to go back and guessed that it must be related to Chang Yan. Qi Yuan Bao pretended to feel unwell and went to find Chang Yan. In reality, she wanted to find various excuses to leave the mountain. Chang Yan took Qi Yuan Bao's pulse and Qi Yuan Bao took the opportunity to hold Chang Yan's hand, begging him to let her leave the mountain. Seeing Qi Yuan Bao's pitiful appearance, Chang Yan initially wanted to help, but Qi Yuan Bao's lies were eventually uncovered and Chang Yan left in anger.

Qi Yuan Bao decided to take a more forceful approach since Chang Yan didn't respond to gentle persuasion. She took out the listening talisman she had secretly obtained in the secret room and discreetly stuck it on Chang Yan. To test if the talisman worked, they conducted a simple experiment. Although they could now leave the mountain, they didn't have any money. Qi Yuan Bao then came up with the idea of having Chang Yan earn money by writing. Qi Yuan Bao quickly earned a considerable amount of money.

At night, Qi Yuan Bao noticed many patrolling guards and asked Chang Yan to keep an eye on them. Chang Yan managed to immobilize them, but it only lasted for a moment before they recovered. Qi Yuan Bao still couldn't leave the mountain smoothly and she began to feel tired. She asked Chang Yan to carry her to bed to rest and Chang Yan had no choice but to stay by Qi Yuan Bao's side until dawn. When Qi Yuan Bao woke up, she found Chang Yan by her side. She quickly pulled her hand away from Chang Yan's and pleaded for him to take her down the mountain. Chang Yan considered that a successful cultivation of their relationship could allow her to retrieve her heart soul, so he agreed. Chang Yan then asked Qi Yuan Bao to kiss him, as that would allow her to bring him down the mountain. Initially hesitant, Qi Yuan Bao surprised Chang Yan by directly kissing him.

Afterward, Chang Yan took Qi Yuan Bao down the mountain and Qi Yuan Bao bought a fox mask as a gift for Chang Yan. Chang Yan learned from Qi Yuan Bao that she loved foxes, but her father didn't. Qi Yuan Bao's father became furious upon learning that his daughter had left the mountain during the New Year's festivities. On the other hand, Qi Yuan Bao and Chang Yan were very happy on the streets and Qi Yuan Bao was deeply fascinated by everything around her. Qi Yuan Bao's good friend, Xue Han Yu, came down the mountain to find Qi Yuan Bao but happened to run into Sun Qian Qian and her sister. Since he couldn't find Qi Yuan Bao, Xue Han Yu left in a hurry.

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