七乃德田胡达任 第06集: 长岄为保护元宝受伤

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Chang Yan Was Injured While Protecting Yuan Bao
~ Sun Qian Qian's sister learned that Qi Yuan Bao had come out and she also wanted to go and see what was happening. Soon, many people learned about Qi Yuan Bao leaving the mountain. Naturally, there were people who wanted to target Qi Yuan Bao. Now that she had left the mountain, it was a good opportunity for them. Qi Yuan Bao arrived at the Yihong Pavilion, seemingly for leisure, but in reality, she wanted to inquire about the jade pendant.

After some inquiries, she learned that it was in the Suoyue Mountain. Qi Yuan Bao planned to go there to see for herself. Chang Yan was still watching the song and dance performance when Qi Yuan Bao took a quick look and left directly. However, at this moment, Qi Yuan Bao's father and his group had already come down the mountain to find her. Qi Yuan Bao was still thinking that if she went to the Suoyue Mountain, she might find the secret her father had kept hidden in his heart. But just then, Chang Yan appeared and prepared to take Qi Yuan Bao away. Naturally, Qi Yuan Bao refused to go back with Chang Yan, but someone was already looking for her from behind. Qi Yuan Bao could only follow Chang Yan and leave together. Qi Yuan Bao planned to go to the Suoyue Mountain alone. Sun Qian Qian's sister discovered a corner of Qi Yuan Bao's clothing on a small tree branch.

In fact, Sun Qian Qian's sister had been in contact with the black-clothed people and their mission was to find Qi Yuan Bao before her father did. Qi Yuan Bao initially wanted to go to the Suoyue Mountain by herself, but Chang Yan insisted on following her. Chang Yan's aunt happened to see Qi Yuan Bao's father in the forest and released poisonous gas. Qi Yuan Bao's father immediately sensed someone's presence. Sun Qian Qian's sister successfully found Qi Yuan Bao but didn't tell anyone about it. Chang Yan's group prepared to continue moving forward, but Qi Yuan Bao and Sun Qian Qian's sister were carried away by a tree branch. Chang Yan tried to hold onto them but was also carried away. When they woke up, they found themselves in a secluded paradise, but there was a giant man-eating flower in front of them.

The three of them joined forces and managed to escape. However, Chang Yan was injured in the chest and Qi Yuan Bao felt somewhat guilty. Sun Qian Qian's sister applied ointment to Chang Yan's wound, but Chang Yan could tell that Qi Yuan Bao wasn't happy, so she gave the ointment to Qi Yuan Bao instead. Qi Yuan Bao quickly refused, as she could sense others' feelings for Chang Yan. After learning the situation, Chang Yan returned the medicine pouch directly to Sun Qian Qian's sister, who felt embarrassed and ran away in anger.

However, as soon as Chang Yan stood up, she felt physically weak. On the other side, Sun Qian Qian and Xue Han Yu were together and Sun Qian Qian accidentally stumbled. It turned out that Sun Qian Qian was bitten by a snake and she begged Xue Han Yu to help her suck out the venom. Qi Yuan Bao saw that Chang Yan was injured and took the initiative to help suck out the venom from Chang Yan's chest, causing Chang Yue's heart to suddenly beat faster. Qi Yuan Bao also felt a bit embarrassed. Sun Qian Qian had been crying nearby, thinking that Xue Han Yu was going to help her suck blood. Sun Qian Qian was touched, but then she saw that Xue Han Yu wanted to use a knife to release the blood.

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