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3rd POV
The sound of heels clicking on the school floors as Scarlet Brooks (Sasha btw) was walking to her classroom. As she walked into the room, students began chatting and staring at their new vocal teacher. The Hera kids were staring more than anyone else at the new teacher. Scarlet placed her books on the desk and stood up to introduce herself.
Scarlet: Good Morning, My name is Ms. Brooks and I'm your new vocal teacher.
Jenny: You are our new teacher? how can you be our teacher? I bet you don't even have any experience in Singing.
Scarlet: hmm, what's your name young lady?
Jenny: Yoo Jenny.
Scarlet: Miss Yoo, you might not believe that I have experience in singing but I do. I was a singer for a few years before I retired.
Minhyuk: What would someone like you know about this industry. I think you don't know what it takes to be a classical singer( laughs)
Scarlet:(Hits long ruler on desk) Young man, I do know what it takes to be a classical singer. I was once just like you, I was on the road to be a classical singer. I thought that I had the same skills as everyone else in my school. But boy was I wrong, I didn't even have the perfect vocals for it or even the right notes for that matter. The only thing that I could think was that I had to make sure my students knew that they needed to have the right vocals and that they needed to have the correct notes as well!!
All the students are startled by the sudden outburst of their new teacher. They see her walking around the classroom and looking at each student as she makes her way to the podium.
Scarlet: You Kids are here to learn to be classical singers. Which means you needed to have not just the right vocals but the perfect notes as well. And as your new vocal teacher, it is my job to make sure that you have all of that. So are you going to question my teaching style or do you want to be the best classical singers. Are you kids going to question me?
Students: No Ms. Brooks
Scarlet:( At the Piano)Good then let's get started, Who wants to go first and show me your vocals. ( In her mind) Let's see if one of the brats who hurt my baby Seol ah will step up to the challenge.
A few students raise their hands, but Scarlet sets her eyes on one of the Hera Kids

Ha Eunbyeol, Cheon Seojin's Daughter

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