A Love Story

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Hidden like a hawk ready to catch its prey, I wait. I wait for the time to strike down the long fury of blood that needs to be sated. The closer I crept to the stone building that hid a dead man. Hidden in the bushes, sitting quietly with a ready axe in hand, I wait for the right time. When they sit their high-class arse on their throne, which will soon be covered in blood. Finally, the contract arrives and takes their place in a room full of chairs and one long table that separates all the humans.

I ready my axe in hand and start sneaking closer to the building so my target won't be able to avoid my blow this time. More of the humans start to come in to take their places at the table, and after they've settled down, my axe is raised for the lethal blow.

Just like that, I let the axe fly, but the axe didn't hit to the sound of bone and steel, but instead steel to wood.

"Uuugh, I hate when the bloody drunks get grabby," Qella said while filling another tankard of what humans call ale. "Can't blame you there, the drunker they get the worse it seems," Saxon said with a hint of sarcasm. After hours passed, and a couple of fingers broken later, it was finally time to close the Axe and Ale Tavern. I finished wiping down the tables and took my leave with five shiny drakes to add to my pocket.

The walk home was simple enough, no one looked interested in picking my pockets today it seems. Upon opening the door to my hut, I am greeted by the smell of old decaying wood, and with a hint of something else, almost like a faint perfume. Closing the door, I decided to seek out where the unfamiliar smell lies. Walking into the kitchen I see a woman, a quite beautiful woman if I must say. I walked in with caution, studying the subject at hand, wondering why such a lovely creature was in my home. "Who do I owe the pleasure, for such a fine mistress like you, to stumble upon my warned down hut?" I say with a wary tone, "For I don't remember inviting guests at this late hour."

"Don't worry about me, my dear, for I am just a simple traveler. No more, no less." the stranger says. "If you are what you say, then why choose my hut in particular?" I questioned the stranger. "I shall give you a reason, and even better a name, but first, if I may." Nodding my head for the stranger to continue, "I would like supper to dine upon, and if not too much, a bed as well."

Taken back a little by the request, I answer back, "You may eat with me, but if you wish to sleep here, then you must tell me more about you, for you are still a stranger in the shadows." The stranger is silent for a moment, but finally replies, "If that is what you wish, then I shall shed light upon my past."

Cooking a small supper, I notice her watching me, almost like she expects me to taint the plate full of carrots, peas, and chicken. After we finished the meal, she finally spoke, "Now story time, if I remember correctly, you wanted me to tell my tale and my name." Nodding my head, for her to proceed with her story. "Where to start, hmm...I guess we start with the name of the stranger, which is Alina, skilled with the blade, but not so much with any other weapon. I travel as a gypsy, and my parents are unknown to me. I have a deep-rooted fondness for books that speak of myths and legends, I'm also an herbalist. Now, if it's not too much, can you tell me more about you?" I thought about her request and decided it was only fair if I told a bit on my part, "Hmm, I guess I shall start with my name as well. My name is Qella, as you clearly see I am an elf, my guardians used to hold a claim on this hut until they passed into the ground." Alina looks at me with confusion, "It means they've died and were buried." I explained. She looks down, probably thinking she has brought an unwanted memory, though, in reality, I have never been close to them, due to the fact I work most of my time into the land, to produce food. "Don't worry, for I wasn't close to them, mostly due to us always working. Though I do miss their presence sometimes." Alina looks up with a small smile. Strange for an orc to be so open and almost caring, I have been raised to think they were all brutes, but she is definitely proving me wrong. "I am trained in hand-to-hand combat as well as axe-wielding."

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