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Isabella POV - Year 1912

"Brianna its time to wake up" i say while gently shaking her shoulder, we have this every morning, my sister seems able to sleep through everything, even the farm animal sounds never rouse her.

"Mmmmmm I'm awake" she says while her eyes remain closed, knowing that she will eventually awaken on her own and having a list of chores to do, i proceed with the first job on my list, milking the cows.

Walking out of our single story house i take a deep breath inhaling the morning dew scent, heading over to the barn with a spring in my step, i start humming a random tune. My mama and papa always find my behaviour amusing, as I'm always humming to myself but i see no need to spend any time of life being unhappy, and humming makes me happy.

After a full day of working on my papa's farm, i find that i am now tired, my sister eventually came to help, but had to go into the village with papa, so i did most of her chores. I find that I'm feeling a little down beat that papa didn't take me with him, Ive only ever been a couple of times, and although some of the gentleman dwelling their were not very polite, it still intrigues me the way they interact.

As im walking to clean my muddy boots, i cant help wondering what it feels like to interact with others, as we live quite away from the village, the only conversation i can participate in is with either mama, papa or my older sister Brianna. Just as I'm about to leave the barn a smooth voice startles me "whats a pretty lady like yourself doing out here at night on her own?" he enquiries. I spin around and come face to face with the most hansom man i could ever meet. He has deep brown hair with eyes to match, hes wearing straight pants, with a waistcoat and jacket to match, he looks so dashing that I'm cant form a response to his question. He smiles at me softly before catching my hand in his and bringing it to his lips, my face becomes red from blushing, never experiencing a kiss from a man before.

"My name is Rueben, and you name is?" he requests of me. "Isabella" is my whispered shy response. 

I found as my nerves finally calmed down that i actually enjoyed Rueben's company and spent the next couple of hours conversing with him, this first meeting started what was to become frequent visits over the next few days, and with every visit i found myself giving more of my heart to Rueben. I enjoyed his company and even though i found myself unworthy of such flattery from a gentleman such as he, i couldn't help seeing more beauty in him everyday, grateful he seemed to feel the same. 

I was slightly confused when he requested that i not tell anyone of our meetings, as i wanted to show papa who i was courting and hope for his acceptance of Rueben. When he finally told me his secret, and that he was a vampire, i know i should have been worried and scared, about my safety, but found no feelings of fear in myself. I accepted Rueben for who he is whole heartily and when he asked if i would join him for eternity, i knew my answer before i had to think about it. I loved him, and the thought of losing him hurt my heart, and so i quickly agreed. I was really sad about leaving my family but i knew that my mama and papa had each other and Brianna being twenty one, would soon find a husband and leave. 

Taking Rueben's hand i allow him to lead me, to start our new life together.

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