Mr. Pandela Pandela

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Dr. Feens shuffles the forms on his desk absent-mindedly as he waits for his newest patient to arrive for his first appointment. he stacks the folders on the farthest corner of his desk, and sits back in his chair, watching the clock while tapping his finger against the desk. Moments later, the patient enters the room, being escorted by a nurse. he seems a bit bothered by her presence. after the nurse leaves the office, the patient lets out a sigh of relief and sits down on the spinny office chair infront of the desk looking at the therapist, Dr. Feens with a half lidded red eye.

"Morning, how's your.. third week here been?" Dr. Feens asks politely as he reads the patient report. "I hope you've found yourself atleast comfortable." the patient scoffs, tapping his foot against the floor impatiently. he looks as if he doesn't want to be here right now. "tell me a bit about yourself, for instance, why you might've felt the need to admit yourself to this facility." he says, pulling out his pen and peering at the patient over his short square glasses. the patient stares back. "I saw something."


The floor boards creaked as Valentina made her way across the dark kitchen. she sat at the kitchen table, placing her bowl of poorly made microwavable Mac and cheese infront of her before sitting down. she regretfully ate a spoonful and gagged at the taste. she put the spoon back into the bowl and sighed. she looked up at the ceiling. Second later, a soft tapping came from the window just above the kitchen sink. Valentina reluctantly walked over to the window and peered outside to the yard. Standing there a few feet from the window now, was her girlfriend, Naomi.

Naomi had been acting weird the previous week after being fired from her 'dream job'. Everybody knew it was coming, but she couldn't except the fact she had been fired and gets angry when anybody brings it up. "lover.." Valentina calls out quietly, nervously a soft blush on her cheeks as she sees Naomi walk closer to her, and lean close to her in the window frame. "mind if I come inside?" Naomi whispered, a soft smirk on her lips at her girlfriend's blush. Valentina moved out of the way with a little pep in her side-step. "not at all, darling." Naomi crawled in from the window and slid over the sink onto the floor with a surprisingly quiet landing.

"you look gorgeous." Naomi smiles her usual little perky smile, as Valentina blushes and scoffs almost dismissively. "oh, you~ you're just trying to butter me up. what do you really want?" she says playfully as she takes her girlfriend's coat from her and hags it over the back of a chair. Naomi sits in the chair that Valentina had pulled out, facing away from the table, to her girlfriend who was still standing near the sink. "I missed you~" Naomi said quietly into the dark, the only light illuminating the room was the beam of moonlight coming in through the window. Valentina blushed and smiled, moving towards her girlfriend and giving her a kiss on the forehead. "I missed you too." she pulled out the chair opposite Naomi and sat down. the house was so silent. Valentina had lived alone for quite some time now after her parents had left to sp: orange. she gently caressed Naomi's hand with her own as she watched her from across the table, dreamy eyed. "your eyes are beautiful~" she mumbled.

"Baby." Naomi said in a quiet tone, her hand gripping back at Valentina's, staring back at her from across the table, expression unreadable. "Yes?" She responded back, eyes widening slightly, only aware now of how late it was. "I came to see you tonight. It's very important." Naomi responded in a slightly sad tone, her hand gripping her girlfriend's a little tighter. Valentina looked back with a feeling of pity in her for a moment. "I'm listening."

Dr. Feens writes on his note pad before looking back up at the patient, somewhat troubled at the information the patient had just provided.
"You're saying you saw this happen," he looked back down at the patient report, "Mr. Pandela?" Pandela nodded back in response very softly, avoiding the Dr's intense gaze. "You were a witness to the murder of Valentina Moralez?" again, Pandela nodded. The Dr had a look of concern on his face as he stared at Pandela from behind his short square spectacles. "Would you mind... telling me how you feel about that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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