1 Arriving~

33 3 15

"This should be it", Langa stated as he looked up from his phone.
A little self-made charm in the form of a chibi yeti was hanging from it.
Reki had randomly made it for Langa one day, he immediately loved it. Since then he never took it off his phone.

They were standing in font of a tall building, which should be the hotel they were going to stay at for two weeks.
They just graduated and are now on their first vacation together. Just them.
And the designated country for this special occasion, of course had to be Canada.

Canada, the country Langa was born.
Because of that Reki was very excited but also really nervous.
Especially because he didn't speak English that well, except basic stuff like 'hello, how are you?'.
Meaning he had to somewhat rely on Langa to do the talking, which concerned him quite a bit, knowing he's not the most talkative and social person.

It was Reki's first time being outside Japan, mainly because his family didn't have the time nor the money for his big family to go on a big vacation.
The only vacation they had, was going to some nice beach hotel for at most a week.
This never really bothered Reki 'cause he was used to it and the Okinawa beaches truly were beautiful.

But now that he was here in this foreign country together with his best friend, he was very excited and couldn't wait to see all the places Langa visited when he was little.
He wanted to better understand, and hoped to learn more about him.

As he thought about all the places they might visit, he heard a questioning "Hey, Reki", from beside him.
"Do you wanna go inside or just stare at the hotel for a week?", Lange asked in a sarcastic tone.
"Ha ha, very funny Langa. Sorry tho, yeah lets go inside!", Reki answered at first a bit annoyed but then understanding.

Man, did he really space out for that long?
He decided to pay attention to that in the future.
But no time to think about that now as he grabbed Langa's arm and pulled him inside through the big main door of the hotel, revealing a big entrance hall.
The hotel they booked wasn't exactly a 5 Star Hotel, neither a 4 star one but to Reki it was astonishing.

Langa let himself be pulled around by Reki. His hand clasped into the sleeve of his long sleeve shirt. He really didn't mind, rather actually enjoyed it a bit.

Ever since he saw Reki scating for the first time he knew he liked him.
It was just the way he always was so passionate about the things he was interesting in, the way he got so easily flustered when complimented, the way he cared so much about his loved ones and Langa could continue that list endlessly.
But the thing he liked the most about Reki was, that he understood him the way he was and actually liked him.
Langa was very grateful for that, although he sometimes wondered how he deserved a person like Reki in his life.

Langa noticed that they had stopped walking and snapped himself out of his own thoughts.
He had been staring at Reki's hand holding his sleeve the whole time without noticing. Pulling his gaze away from Reki's hand, Langa looked up to his face to see his eyes sparkling while looking all around the hotel lobby.

"Whoa dude, this is awesome", Reki said while looking in every direction possible. It wasn't a very big hotel, just the fact that it was a Canadian hotel, which he's never seen from the inside before, that got him to be so amazed.

Langa let out a chuckle.
"It is, but let's go to the reception for now, you can look at everything later", Langa said as he now was the one that grabbed Reki's hand.
"Oh, uhm yeah sure, sorry for spacing out aga- woah hey!", Reki yelped when he was suddenly being dragged to the reception.
It wasn't far away from where they were standing, as the hotel wasn't that big.
They reached the reception and a young lady immediately spoke to them. Langa decided to let go of Reki's hand.

"Welcome! What can I help you two with?", she asked nicely.
Reki just dumbly looked over to Langa, because from now on he wouldn't understand a single sentence of what they were talking about.
The helpless look in Reki's eyes made Langa hold back a laugh, but also let his heart skip a beat.
To distract him from Reki's gaze, he turned to the receptionist lady and answered her.

"Ah, hello. I booked a room here under the name Hasegawa".
Her gaze shifted to her PC monitor, where she probably started tiping Langa's name into. Meanwhile Reki nervously started fiddling on Langa's backpack strap.
While she was searching for Langa's reservation, he looked over to Reki and gently smiled at him.
Reki looked up to catch that smile and gave Langa a bright one back.
Langa couldn't tare his eyes of that smile until he got snapped out of his trance by the receptionist.

"Ah, there you are! So, you booked a twin room, right?"
"Ah yes, that's correct."
Langa fumbled with his words due to forcefully being interrupted of looking at the boy right next to him.
"Alright, great! Here's your key card, it opens the door to your room and turns on the electricity"
"Got it, thank you", Langa said taking the keycard from the receptionist's hand.
She smiled at him and asked if they had any more questions before they started walking to the room.

Identifying the location of their room based on the number on the keycard they recieved, they went into the elevator to get to floor 3, room 308.

"Hey Langa, I'm really excited for this week", Reki said after he nudged his elbow into Langa's side, aiming to get his attention.
Langa smiled at him, "Yeah I'm excited too, Reki".

"You know... it's my first time traveling outside Japan...", he paused, looking over to Langa beside him. As he looked at his face, he saw that Langa was already looking at him with a curious expression on his face. He was obviously expecting him to continue talking, so that's what he did, looking back at the ground. Somehow he hesitated to speak without knowing why.
"I'm just glad I'm here with you"
Reki turned to look up at Langa. "I'm also grateful that I can be here with you now, you know...I didn't think I could come back to Canada after all that I connect with it. But thanks to you I could finally make up with my past, well at least for the major parts. So thank you Reki. So much. I'm so glad that you found me."
"Wow, okay...jeez dude," Reki blabbered out flustered, covering his face with his hand, "you never usually talk so much, man...but you know that I really appreciate you too, right? You also helped me in being a really good friend, the best I ever had actually..." Reki spoke quietly.
Langa smiled gently at Reki, "Yeah, I know that you appreciate me and that means so much to me Reki."

As they stood there just smiling dumbly at one another, they noticed that they had already arrived at their floor. The elevator door was just about to close again. As they noticed that, they both leaped out the door just in time.
Reki broke out into laughter, shortly followed by Langa.
"Oh my god dude, how did we not even notice the door opening", Reki got out between his laughter.
Langa was just about to say something, as an old man with an angry look walked past them, murmuring something like "these damn young people always making a ruckus. No respect", and so on.
Having fallen completely silent, watching the man walk away slowly, his cursing getting more and more distant, they turned towards each other and tried their best not to laugh. Looking at each others faces didn't make it any easier.

After calming down and collecting themselves they decided to finally make their way to room 308.
As they approached the room Langa felt giddy and still nervous, though his nerves did thankfully calm down a little bit.
He just hoped that everything would go how he wanted it to.

Reaching their room Reki excitedly skipped forward and latched his hand on to the door handle to open the room. It didn't budge, the key card has to be inserted first.
Langa gratefully assisted Reki and slid the card into the designated slot.
As the lock made a rather loud clicking sound Reki immediately whipped his head around the door, being the first to take a look inside the room.

Langa couldn't see anything yet because Reki opened the door just enough for him to stick his head inside.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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