🌶️🌶️ THREE 🌶️🌶️

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"On all fours", Yakow demands, "Head down

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"On all fours", Yakow demands, "Head down. Ass up"

I do as he says and spread my legs for him. He was dominant and carefully at the same time and I loved this about him. He was more than I could ever imagine. I always thought I was weird for liking it rough. I thought it was wrong but he makes me feel heard and he satisfies me.

"You're such a good boy, baby. Giving me yourself so gladly"

"I'm yours", I sigh

He groans and his hand hits my cheek seconds later. I hiss and arch my back in pleasure.

"Who's ass is this?"


He slaps me again. This time harder. My reward. Pain. And I love it.

"Who's cock do you want? Who's going to destroy your tight little hole?"

"I want your cock. Only yours. You're going to destroy me", I breathe each word, the pain still feel able

He hits me again and I'm damn sure his handprint will stay for days. He strokes over my painful cheeks and whispers some praises which I adore.

He leans with his huge body over mine and kisses my ear, "I'm being serious now. If it hurts too much, please tell me. Promise me"

My heart races and I heat up, "I promise"

He is my second partner and he's already treating me so much better. I love and need his lovely care. He gives me the feeling of protection and being owned and wanted. It may be a toxic trait but I love the thought of being owned and used. But just from him and not in a violent way. He's perfect.

"If you break that promise I'll punish you"

"How?", maybe I'll like the punishment

"Baby, don't you dare. You hurt me too, when you're not honest with me. I know you like pain but I'm not going to really hurt you"

My face gets warm again.

"I promised, so relax"

He slaps me again. "Watch your fucking tone when you speak to me"

"I'm sorry", I moan

"Open your legs until it hurts"

I spread my legs so wide it's uncomfortable but I will do whatever he says and wants and even more. I want to be good. A good boy only for him. For him to use and own.

Both of his hands grab each cheek roughly and he massages my ass for a moment until he spreads them, exposing my hole. I moan out loud as he spits at my entrance. And a second time.

The tip of his tongue slowly slides up my crack and a low moan escapes me. I didn't know a tongue could feel this good. I once asked my ex boyfriend if he would like to lick me but he said it was disgusting and not to compare with me sucking his cock. I mean I would clean myself before? And even shave?

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