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(i have no words 💀 lets just say i had an eventful past few months 😭)

TW: mentions of SH


I wasn't thinking. I just got up and left.

Now, my shoes and pants are soaked for some reason. I was walking through a hallway that was flooded.

'I wonder why?'

I went up to several doors to see if they would budge open, but none did.

That was until a random door busted open. I froze in place. What the actual fuck? I shook my head and walked over to the broken door.

To my surprise, nothing was there. I kiss my teeth and take a step back.

'If theres nothing here, then what-'

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud scratching and screaming noise coming from behind me.

I jump and turn around.

It was one of those monsters.
With the sharp edges. Yeah, no.

I quickly turned around and ran, but got nicked a few times in the back. I kept running until I found an empty hall. I leaned against the wall and dug through my bag for a needle.

I grabbed one and injected myself. Sighing with relief, I looked around and noticed that there was a door leading to a stairway.

I inhaled deeply and made my way to the door and down the steps.

I kept thinking to myself.

What is going on here? Why is this happening? Where did everyone go? Is it just me? Is this where it really ends?

I want to go home and lay in my bed.

I close my eyes and frown. This can't be the end... I don't want to be alone anymore.

Then, another thought crossed my mind.

'Where is [Name]?'

Oh my god. I left her behind.

I open my eyes and look behind me with distress and lips quivering. Oh well, it's no use going back now. She could be dead anyway. Why should I care?

I groan and look to my left to see a locked door. Knowing I have a key, I open it and walk inside. I'm met with another hallway and mentally face palm. Not again.

I glance around and spot another Glock magazine. I hinge over and grunt as I pick it up.

Standing up straight again, spine cracking. I continue my stroll and open another door that leads to the basement. I'm walking down once again.

Entering an open area, it felt too cold and still. The ringing in my ear increased as I stepped forward, but when I did, this overwhelming feeling of dread and sense of heaviness on my chest crashed into me.

I feel a stabbing gaze on my back. So I turned around to see another monster, but this one seems different from all the other ones I've encountered.

Cry of Fear (Simon Henriksson x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now