My (Not so) Perfect Life

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            Hi! im Sage, Sage Hore. I know the last name is a little ... ummm innapprioate? I guess. But it totally does not describe me.

I'm your typical 17 year old teen age girl. The only problem is..well we'll get to my problem later.

I have my group of friends and we have the best times together. I Have a few close guys that I keep close to my heart, I know how that makes me sound but I know I'm not ready for a real relationship again.

I've got problems just like any other girl, but I have one worse.

Oh, did I mention I live with my Stepmom and four sisters?

My mom's a drug addict and is bringing another junkie to the house every night.

My sisters are well, whores. They sleep with any guy with a pulse and has good equipment.



           " Sage!!! Get your lazy ass out of bed and come feed your sisters. Or you won't be eating for a week. " That is my 'wonderful' mother Janice.

"I'm coming down in a few minutes Janice, damn! Give me a moment to wake up your highness." This is a normal routine for me, get yelled or slapped awake by one of the Freaky Five (My nickname for Dreneda, Kayla, Michell, Cilia and Janice), make breakfast, or if they want to be difficult, then a few different breakfasts.

Then I get ready and drive myself, Drenda, Michell, Kayla, and Cilia to school. 

Dreneda is possibly the worst of the Freaky Five. She is the wicked stepsister of my nightmares. She goes out to party, drink, and generally be a trouble maker. Oh, and she hates my guts. For what reason, I'll never even begin to be able to understand.

I figure, well, I guess I cant change her opinion so I need to endure it.

Michell is totally a follower, she wants to be exactly like Dreneda, clothes, hair, popularity, intelegence(or lack thereof hehe), and sluttiness. She follows every word Eddie (Dreneda) says and would bite off her own arm to get a comment from her. She's basiclly a slave in slutty clothes.

Kayla is a follower but in a lesser sense. She has to follow or she won't be accepted into the Freeky Five. And she needs the FF to have any sense of security. She could be cool if she tried. She got the smarts of the five. She can keep up with me if she puts in a few good hours of work. She needs to wear glasses but she refuses so she is practically blind.

Cilia is calm and collected, but then again, bratty. She doesn't really give a damn about school, and doesn't bother hiding it. Her personality damn sure doesn't fit her style. She's got that 'punk but girly I rock this shit' look.

Enough of them for now.

I've got my crew of friends to back me up when I need it. There is Damien, Andy, Felissa, Carmen, Lincoln, Dimma, Jenny, Forest, and I.

Dimma and Damien are twins that come from a rich family and can never be seperated.

Jenny and Forest are a 'thing'. Carmen is the genius of the group, shes great at anything academic.

 Felissa is your average gossip fashionista and is the best for a girls night.

Andy and Lincoln are best friends and never fight, except over one thing, me. And I cant seem to choose who I like better or if I even like either.

Lincoln is a badass and Andy is the sweet, chivalrous, artist.

This is just the beginning of my (not so) perfect life.

 *dry laugh*




Heyy guys and gals, so I'm just starting on my writing on wattpad and will take any critique you can throw at me. I need it all. 

I am looking for a cover page for MPL but I don't know how it works so if ya'll can help me out with that I will be sooo grateful. I'm not going to do many of these incerts in MPL just when I need things or have something to say.

                                             Cheers and cookies to you all!, Sarah :)

                 Lexii was here !! :D haha ohtay so please read and give feedback because as you notice, Sarah is an awesome writer, and me the editor! We love youuuu ! (only if you feel the same)

Erm, but if you don't, can't blame ya cause' you don't know us well enough. YET :P

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2011 ⏰

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