七乃德田胡达任 第11集: 元宝再次意外晕倒

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Yuan Bao Accidentally Fainted Again
~ Qi Yuan  Bao made dumplings for her father to taste and her father found them delicious. However, Qi Yuan Bao was a bit worried since it was her first time cooking dumplings for her father. Qi Yuan Bao suddenly remembered making dumplings for the little fox, who had also disappeared. She then returned the treasure to her father, who was relieved and asked her to keep it. Later, Qi Yuan Bao also gave her father a sword.

On the other hand, Chang Yan's aunt went to find Yun Rong's master, knowing that he intended to resurrect the Corpse Puppet King. Chang Yan finally woke up from his coma and the first thing he did was to search for the Po Suo Leaf. After learning that he had been asleep for half a month, Chang Yan decided to leave and sought out his grandmother. Before leaving, his grandmother told him to remember his mission, as the entire Fox Clan relied on him. The major sects attempted to destroy the Corpse Puppet King, but they were intercepted by a group of black-clothed individuals, who were actually Yun Rong's master. Chang Yan happened to witness many people being killed and he discovered a Mirage Fox Needle in the wounds, indicating a connection to the Fox Clan.

Unbeknownst to him, his grandmother watched everything from the sidelines. Chang Yan informed his grandmother about the situation and brought the injured people back to their sect for treatment. After half a month, Qi Yuan Bao's health grew weaker. She knew that her time was running out. While flying kites with Xue Han Yu, Qi Yuan Bao suddenly fainted. Her father quickly brought her back, but Qi Yuan Bao couldn't keep down the medicine and vomited. Huo Shu Ya also brought medicine to help cure Qi Yuan Bao, but despite their efforts, the medicine had no effect. Qi Yuan Bao's father was worried that he would outlive his daughter, the one he sent off to the netherworld.

After a few days of unconsciousness, Qi Yuan Bao woke up and found Xue Han Yu constantly by her side, murmuring that he would protect her. Qi Yuan Bao felt deeply moved by Xue Han Yu's words. In the past, she had always protected him and she wondered who would protect him if she weren't there. Qi Yuan Bao wandered alone in the courtyard, feeling a profound sense of loss since Chang Yan and the little fox were nowhere to be found. She longed for Chang Yan to be by her side when she woke up. Qi Yuan Bao feared that she wouldn't be able to see Chang Yan one last time.

However, when she opened her eyes again, to her surprise, Chang Yan was right in front of her. Qi Yuan Bao immediately got up and touched Chang Yan's face, feeling his warmth, which confirmed that she wasn't dreaming. But Qi Yuan Bao worried that she wouldn't be able to accompany Chang Yan, so she asked him to leave. However, just as Chang Yan turned around, Qi Yuan Bao kissed him directly. Chang Yan also caressed Qi Yuan Bao's face and the two shared a kiss. Seizing the opportunity, Chang Yan transferred the Po Suo Leaf into Qi Yuan Bao's body. This scene happened to be witnessed by Huo Shu Ya, who felt a sense of loss since he also had feelings for Qi Yuan Bao.

When Qi Yuan Bao woke up again, her father hurriedly checked her pulse and discovered that she had completely recovered. Qi Yuan Bao was surprised and everyone assumed it was Huo Shu Ya's medicine that had restored her health. Only Qi Yuan Bao remembered the kiss she shared with Chang Yan. Qi Yuan Bao took food and went to find Huo Shu Ya, who had just had a nightmare. However, Huo Shu Ya didn't know how to face Qi Yuan Bao. Chang Yan thought about Qi Yuan Bao and realized that he had unknowingly fallen in love with her. Chang Yan initially wanted to try to extract his own soul, but he discovered that even if Qi Yuan Bao liked him, he couldn't remove it.

From this, he deduced that Qi Yuan Bao's feelings for him weren't genuine, which made Chang Yan feel very despondent as he had already developed feelings for her. Qi Yuan Bao searched everywhere for Chang Yan, but according to Xue Han Yu, Chang Yan hadn't returned. However, upon seeing the spilled tea in the room, Qi Yuan Bao could confirm that Chang Yan had indeed been there yesterday. Qi Yuan Bao then took Xue Han Yu and went searching for Chang Yan.

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