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A grand party was going on in the venue. Which was lighten up by fairy lights and flowers to make it more relevant. All the big business's including their partners was attending this party with them.

??:-"Mr.jeon, i have to say.. your husband is really unique beauty out the celebrities present here" he said as eyes roamed over the married man.

Jeon jungkook
A successful CEO of Jeon Contraction. His business as wide as possible spreading in all countries like a virus. Everyone knows him. People die to see the one glimpse of his. Unfortunately, this man was married with a poor boy. Who was chooses by his parents for him.

It has been only two months. Since he married that boy. He wasn't good at first but now he tries to behave with him like a gentleman. He wants to gave this marriage a Chance. In exact works.

Jungkook:-"Mr.han, first look at your wife before looking at other's husband"in his dominant voice he said.

The embraced man left after being insulted by successful business.

CEO Jeon turned and looked at his husband. Who was sitting alone on the one dinning table, provided for couples there. He walked towards him.

Jungkook:-"Stand up!" He ordered after reaching his husband.

Taehyung:-"ha?" He confusedly looked at his husband with doe eyes.

Jungkook:-"I said GET UP!!!" He yelled at his husband knowing very well how much people are focusing on them.

Taehyung stood straight after being yelled on. His eyes started getting filled with tears.

Jungkook:-"What are you wearing? Don't poor people like you knows....what they should wear in parties" he angrily uttered ignoring the people oogling at them.

It was the first time, when jungkook bring taehyung with himself in a big party.

Taehyung was dressed by his mother in law. Who  forced him to wear this shirt to make him cute and sexy at the same time. His mother in law love's him that's why she wanted him too look appealing for jungkook. He also wear that dress cause it was his first time wearing something like that and on top of that, he liked it.

Jungkook:-"come..we are leaving" he grabbed his husband's wrist walking out of the venue.

He wasn't angry cause taehyung wear that dress but soul reason was his jealousy and possessiveness for his husband. He maybe don't say this out loud but he was Falling for that poor boy.

Time skip.

Jeon's Mansion
Mrs.jeon was sitting on couch in living area. She was waiting for her son and son in law to arrive back from business party.

Mrs.jeon:-"oh kook? You come ba....wait why my bear is crying"she walked towards the couple. Who walked in mansion.

Jungkook:-"MOM!! Why he's wearing this type of clothes?" He asked his mother, knowing very well. Who was behind this all.

Mrs.jeon:-"ofcourse..i made him wear this. Every girl or boy in that party. Might have been drooling over you with their nonsense dressing style. So made my bear more beautiful for you" she said hugging the sniffing boy against her chest to give him some warmth.

Jungkook:-"no need for that, mom. And top of that----'

Jungkook:-"h-he's already beautiful and more then those law life people's" without realising he said.

Mrs.jeon and taehyung looked at CEO with shocked.

Mrs.jeon cause she never heard her son praising someone.

Taehyung cause first time his husband praise him for his beauty infront of his mother in law. He didn't realise but he start blushing.

Jungkook:-"what!? Why are you both looking at me like tha---"he stopped and his wide as much as possible cause now he realised what he just said about his husband.

He looked at both persons infront of him, gulped. His cheeks turning pind by every passing second.

Jungkook:-"I--i r-remember something" saying it he left in embarrassment.

Mrs.jeon:-"bear come with me" she grabbed his hand. Made him sit beside her self on couch.

Taehyung:-"what happened, mom?" He didn't said anything infront of jungkook cause he was shy and scared both.

Mrs.jeon:-"bear, I know... jungkook is not the man you deserve. You deserve more better man then him but believe me, son. I have seen him looking at you with love. He is not good at showing it. He is one of a possessive type of person with everyone, who is near him. I maybe a selfish mother to ask it from you but don't leave him in future. I m seeing changes in him. You didn't notice but i did, whenever you do something. Anything roaming or cooking, he looks at you and smiles, my Bunny smiles."she explained how much changed she has seen in jungkook.

Jungkook don't usually smiles cause he don't have reasons for it. He's always busy but after taehyung arrival. He smiles more as compared to before.

Taehyung who was listening patiently was crying by the end cause he never knew jungkook hides this much from him.

Taehyung:-"you are right mom. It was his first time yelling on me. Although he never touched me or hit me." He realisingly said.

Mrs.jeon:-" bear, you go to him. He might be waiting for you" she said pushing taehyung towards his sharing bedroom with jungkook.

Time skip

Taehyung changed in comfort pajamas and tried to sleep to ignore jungkook. Yes, he wasn't angry with CEO now but he can fake it, right. To show his husband, he's angry.

Jungkook was showering. After 10 min, he walked out in alone bathrobe.  He looked at taehyung's sleeping figure. Suddenly guilt was eating him alive.

Jungkook:-"i shouldn't had yelled on him. Instead have beaten the shit out of that han"he ragingly said to himself, not knowing his husband was hearing him too.

He walked toward the bed and slipped in duvet for some comfort.

Jungkook:-"should i apologise to him?" He thought in mind.

He might be aggressive person but he do respects everyone. In a flow of jealousy. He harmed his husband unknowingly. It hurts him too. He doesn't know how to show love.

He slide his arm around his husband's waist, spooning him against his chest like a baby.

Jungkook:-"I am sorry.. princess" he apologized with eyes close.

Taehyung:-"i already forgave you" he shyly said against his husband's chest because of nickname.

Jungkook:-"still I called you poor. May be you forgave me but I can't forgave myself. Believe me taehyung you are more reacher then me and or anyone out their with your this heart" he guilty said.

Taehyung:-"don't mind it, kook. I know you didn't mean it" he also called him with nickname to make him believe he is okay now.

Well, anyone would be angry. When someone eye their husband or wife. In a wrong way, No?.

Jungkook:-"tae.....I love you" he heard his hearts ordered, ignoring his mind and confessed.

Taehyung:-"love you to, honey" he said and smiled.

He knows his husband's eyes looking at him with love all the time and taehyung finds himself lucky to have this man in his life.

Jungkook firmly hugged Taehyung. Sleeping freely like a bird. Knowing his husband wouldn't leave him.

The end
(Stay tuned on for special part)

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