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It was the next day. After waking up and getting dressed the Avengers headed towards the Great Hall for breakfast and the next set of movies.

Natasha and Bucky met up with the rest of the team.

"Ready to go?" Steve asks. Everyone nods. They leave the Gryffindor common room and head down to the Great Hall.

When they arrive they only see a few students and families, since it was still fairly early. Some familiar faces were the Malfoys, the Tonks, with Bellatrix, and the silver trio.

The group of heroes made their way to where the others were. They all conversed as they waited for everyone else to wake up.

Eventually everyone came and McGonagall magically made breakfast.

"Let us eat before we move with the rest of the films shall we?" Before anyone does anything another portal opens with Rhodey and Pepper Potts appearing.

"Uh, where are we?" Pepper looks around. She spots Tony and the two share a kiss. Rhodey hugs Tony before hugging everyone else. It's been a while since he last saw them in Germany.

"Will you please introduce yourselves?" Dumbledore asks. "Sure, Gandalf?" Rhodes says, suspicious of the wizard, as was everyone else.

"I'm Colonel James Rhodes. Call me Rhodey."

"I'm Pepper Potts. CEO of Stark Industries."

"What's with everyone naming their sons James? They could at least be creative." Blaise whispers to Theo, who shrugs.

The two went to take a seat by Tony. After the quick introduction and a fill in for the two everyone goes digging into the delicious breakfast.

"What movie are we supposed to watch next?" Sam asks as he takes a bite of his toast. "I'm guessing it'll have to do with Ultron since the kids are here." Tony gestured to the four heroes that showed up.

Meanwhile across the hall Lily was biting James's ear off with her rants. James is rubbing his temple, slowly become agitated with Lily.

"First she shows up, insults Dumbledore, points a gun at me, takes our daughter, and she's the supposed heiress of the Slytherin House! She's evil James! Evil!"

James slams his fists in the table, silencing everyone is the room. He turns to Lily with a cold stare.

"Lily, be a dear and shut up!" Lily flinches at James's outburst. "It's still morning and I already have a raging headache from your voice. If you want to rant to somebody rant to Molly."

James gets up and leaves the Great Hall.

Lily shudders in embarrassment with tears threatening to fall as she feels the eyes of everyone. Sirius and Remus say nothing, as well as the Weasleys. Harry looked between his parents, not knowing if he should say something.

"Who are they?" Anastasia asks from her seat. Natasha sighs softly. "That is James and Lily Potter. Remember the school I attended that I told you about Малы́шка?" (Baby girl). Anastasia nods. "This is the school. James and I used to be acquaintances before I left. Now he's with Lily Evans, a girl who wasn't very fond of our relationship. She did some things and I broke all contact with this world. Until now."

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