Two x Easily Startled! Reader

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Woaah look, a new oneshot just a day after the previous one! Enjoy ;P

Requested by @bliixerboi

Notes :
-O/N = object name (idk why i keep writing it at the start of each chapter i guess you all know this by now :P)
-O/C = object color
-Gender neutral reader (they/them)
-Doesn't take place on a certain episode, just after tpot 7
-O/N is on The Strongest Team On Earth :]


"The Strongest Team On Earth! You guys lost last time, so you're all up for elimination! Today's cake is cheesecake, without the glass shards this time."

The green host happily announced, they proudly held up a tasty-looking cheesecake neatly cut in six pieces and grabbed a slice, visibly ready to throw it.

"The first one safe is Grassy, with 7302 votes! Good job!"

As planned, they threw the slice and Grassy successfully caught it, exclaiming his joy with a cheerful "yay!" Snowball congratulated him, going on and on about how they were gonna be the strongest duo of all times someday.

Basketball was safe.
Snowball was safe.
Robot Flower was safe.

The elimination continued, and O/N hadn't been announced safe yet...

"Bottom two time, Bell and O/N! Yet, i only have one slice of cake left, who will be safe? Let's look at the votes!"

TV came out of literally nowhere and displayed two bars on his screen to represent the votes, one brown for Bell and the other O/C for O/N.

O/N's bar turned out bigger, with just 329 more votes than Bell. Two raised their cheesecake-holding hand up.

"And O/N is safe, narrowly escaping the bottom two! Well done, mate!"

They threw the last piece of cake at O/N, expecting them to catch it. Instead of doing just that, O/N yelped, flinching and covering their face with their hands, ready for the impact...

...But it didn't happen. Two had stopped the cheesecake mid-air using their power.

"...Sorry, should i just... hand it to you?"

Two didn't wait for an answer, and handed O/N the cheesecake slice, making sure to be gentle as to not startle them. O/N took the slice with shaky hands, still a bit in shock. Two kindly smiled at the O/C contestant and stepped back to where they were before.

"Sorry Bell, but you're eliminated. Any last words?"

Bell sighed, looking disappointed. She looked at all her teammates with sadness and pure despair in her eyes as if ready to give the most heartfelt and philosophical speech known to man. It was clear whatever she was about to utter would be abolutely mind blowing, life changing and enlightening. Bell gathered her thoughts and inhaled, ready to speak her wisdom.


"That's enough! Buh-bye Bell!"

Two used their magic to wipe Bell to four-knows-where before she could continue. The entirety of Tstoe began heading away from the hotel rooftop as the elimination concluded, chatting together, trying to guess what today's challenge would be.
O/N was gonna follow, but a hand on their shoulder stopped them, and a familiar british voice spoke up.

"Hey, O/N? Sorry again about that cheesecake slice, i think i'll just... hand them to you more gently from now on."

O/N was still holding their piece of cheesecake, they were too shaken up to think of eating it on the moment.

"Ah- uh, no worries! Say, do you wanna share my slice ? I'm not very hungry."

"I don't know O/N, this is supposed to be special, y'know, a reward for surviving elimination and all..."

"Pleaaase? You baked it, right? If i don't finish it, i'll have to throw i-"

"On second thought, i'm a bit hungry for cheesecake!"

Two split the cheesecake in two perfect halves with their magic. They seemed upset at the thought of their efforts to bake this cheesecake ending in a trashcan.

O/N and Two sat on the hotel rooftop enjoying their cheesecake slices together in a comfortable silence, interrupted by the occasional distant chaos of Fanny yelling that she hates something and the sound of the wind in the trees. Two finally broke the silence after a bit.

"...Sorry again about scaring you earlier. I really feel bad about it, I care for my contestants, you know?"

O/N looked up from their half eaten cheesecake slice to gaze at the green numeral next to them.

"I know. I've seen it from how you let Clock stay and let Teardrop join and all... and also how you befriended Gaty. You kinda... adapted to all of us so we could feel comfortable, you even got expensive shiny plates so the environment was more livable! It's really nice of you."

"Ah- That's a lot of praise, thank you O/N... I try my very best to be a good host and i'm happy you're seeing my efforts."

"...Don't thank me, that's the truth."

Two raised their hand to their mouth to take a bite from their cheesecake slice, the movement was sudden and startled O/N. Two looked at them surprised.

"...You really need extra gentle care, don't you?"


"Don't be sorry, you're a nice change from all the other loud and hyperactive contestants."

Two placed a hand on O/N's shoulder, pulling the contestant closer to them. O/N didn't jump at it this time. They leaned into the touch, feeling safer around Two now.

929 words
Next oneshot is Soap x Fem!Reader (Requested by MusicLover2089XD) It's also gonna be really fluffy

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